The power of the female orgasm

The female orgasm has long been a source of mysticism, fascination and power. Throughout history, its significance has been both revered and suppressed, often intertwined with cultural, religious, and societal norms. In ancient cultures, it was associated with mystical powers and revered as a key to life force energy. This exploration delves into the profound impact of the female orgasm and its historical implications, particularly in civilizations like ancient Egypt, where the energy of female sexuality was both celebrated and feared.

The Mystical Power of the Female Orgasm

The female orgasm is a complex, multifaceted experience that transcends mere physical pleasure. It has the potential to create profound states of euphoria, spiritual awakening, and emotional release. In ancient cultures, this powerful energy was often linked to the divine, with the intense pleasure released during orgasm seen as a gateway to higher states of consciousness. Some believe that men can achieve similar states through practices like semen retention, where the energy is reabsorbed into the body. For instance, Sting has spoken about practicing Tantric sex, which involves prolonged intimate sessions and conscious avoidance of ejaculation, attributing his youthful vigor and sustained creative energy to these practices.

In modern times, science has begun to uncover the physiological and psychological benefits of the female orgasm. It releases a cocktail of hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins, which promote bonding, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. The power of the female orgasm lies not only in its ability to bring pleasure but also in its capacity to connect women to their bodies and, by extension, to their personal power and autonomy.

Egypt and the Divine Feminine

Ancient Egypt offers a fascinating glimpse into how female sexuality and orgasm were perceived. Egyptian mythology is replete with powerful goddesses who embodied fertility, creation, and destruction. Goddesses like Isis, Hathor, and Bastet were revered for their potent sexual energy and nurturing aspects.

Isis, the goddess of magic and fertility, used her sexual power to resurrect her husband, Osiris. Hathor, the goddess of love, beauty, and joy, was celebrated in rituals emphasizing the ecstatic and joyous aspects of female sexuality. Bastet, the cat-headed goddess, represented sensuality and was often associated with fertility rites. Priestesses in ancient Egypt performed sacred sexual rites involving orgasm to connect with the divine, invoking the goddess’s power to heal, ensure fertility, and invoke prosperity.

Yoni Puja

Yoni Puja, or worship of the female genitalia, is a Tantric ritual where the yoni (vagina) is honored as a sacred symbol of the divine feminine. During these rituals, the female orgasm is seen as a potent source of spiritual energy that can be channeled for personal and cosmic transformation. The practice involves meditation, chanting, and sacred touch, aiming to awaken the kundalini energy at the base of the spine and elevate it through the chakras.

Jade Egg Practices

In Taoist sexual practices, women use jade eggs to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles and enhance sexual pleasure. These practices cultivate and harness sexual energy, which is then circulated throughout the body to promote health, vitality, and spiritual growth. The orgasmic energy generated through these practices is believed to nourish the body and elevate the spirit.

Taoist sexual alchemy involves techniques for women to transform sexual energy into spiritual energy. Through controlled breathing, meditation, and intentional movement, women can direct their orgasmic energy to their energy centers (or dantian) to achieve higher states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

Thelema and Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley, a prominent figure in Western occultism, emphasized the power of sexual energy in his magical system, Thelema. Crowley believed that the orgasm, particularly the female orgasm, could be used to achieve altered states of consciousness and connect with higher spiritual realms. Rituals often involved invoking deities, chanting, and engaging in sexual acts with the intent of channeling orgasmic energy for magical purposes.

Sacrifice and Suppression: Harnessing the Female Orgasm

Despite the reverence for female sexual energy, history also shows a darker side where this power was sought to be controlled and harnessed. In various cultures, including ancient Egypt, there are accounts of rituals and sacrifices where women were offered to deities or used in rites to harness their potent sexual energy.

The Maya practiced human sacrifices often related to their calendar rituals and astronomical events. Women were sometimes sacrificed to invoke the favor of goddesses related to fertility and the earth. In ancient Mesopotamia, sacred prostitution and temple rituals involving sexual acts were common, with priestesses dedicated to the goddess Inanna (or Ishtar) engaging in sexual rites to ensure fertility and divine favor.

Devadasi System in India

The Devadasi system in India involved dedicating women to serve in temples, where they performed rituals and dances. While this system was not about sacrifice, it involved the ritualized use of female sexual energy. Devadasis were considered married to the deity of the temple, and their sexuality was seen as sacred. Over time, this system became exploitative, but its origins were rooted in the idea of channeling divine energy through sexual practices.

Chinese Sex Practices

Techniques like semen retention and jade egg practices for women help conserve and circulate sexual energy, transforming it into spiritual vitality or “shen.” Taoist sexual practices often involve meditation, breath control, and specific exercises to move sexual energy throughout the body, promoting longevity and enlightenment.

Hawaiian Practices

In pre-Christian Hawaiian society, rituals related to fertility and the land often involved women. Certain ceremonies aimed at ensuring the community’s prosperity involved sexual rites, where the mana (spiritual energy) of participants was believed to be transferred and amplified through these acts. While not sacrifices, these rituals underscored the power of sexual energy.

Sex magic involves using sexual energy as a potent force for spiritual and personal transformation. Ancient cultures recognized this energy’s power and developed rituals and practices to channel it for higher purposes.

The act of sacrifice can be seen as an attempt to control and contain the divine feminine power that the female orgasm represented. By offering women to the gods, ancient societies sought to appease these powerful forces, ensuring fertility, prosperity, and protection. However, this also reflects a deep-seated fear and misunderstanding of female sexuality.

The suppression of female sexuality has been a recurring theme throughout history. Patriarchal societies have often sought to control women’s bodies and their sexual expression, recognizing the threat it posed to male-dominated structures of power. By controlling the female orgasm, these societies attempted to diminish women’s autonomy and their connection to their innate power.

Empowering Women Through Sexual Liberation

Today, as we continue to unravel the layers of historical suppression, reclaiming the power of the female orgasm is crucial. Sexual liberation is not just about pleasure; it is about reclaiming autonomy, embracing one’s body, and recognizing the profound connection between sexuality and personal empowerment.

David Hawkins’ Consciousness Scale: From Lower to Higher Levels

Transcending Shame and Guilt: At the lower levels of Hawkins’ scale, individuals are often trapped in negative emotions and limiting beliefs. Ancient sex magic practices emphasize self-acceptance and the sacredness of sexual energy, helping to transcend feelings of shame and guilt. Through rituals that honor the body and its energies, individuals can move to higher levels of consciousness characterized by courage and acceptance.

Embracing Love and Joy: As one rises up the scale, the focus shifts to love, joy, and peace. In Tantra and Taoist practices, sexual union is an act of deep connection and unconditional love. These practices promote emotional intimacy, compassion, and joy, aligning with Hawkins’ higher levels of consciousness. The shared experience of orgasm in a sacred context can open the heart chakra, fostering deep emotional and spiritual connections.

Achieving Enlightenment: The ultimate goal in both ancient practices and Hawkins’ scale is enlightenment—a state of pure awareness and unity with the divine. Advanced practices in Tantra, such as the awakening of kundalini energy, aim to dissolve the ego and merge with universal consciousness. Similarly, Taoist alchemical techniques strive to transform sexual energy into spiritual light, achieving a state of oneness and harmony with the cosmos.

Using Sexual Energy to Move Up the Scale of Consciousness

Sexual energy, when harnessed and directed mindfully, can be a powerful catalyst for spiritual growth and elevation of consciousness. This energy, often referred to as “kundalini” in Tantric traditions or “jing” in Taoist practices, can be cultivated and transformed to move up the levels of consciousness as outlined by David Hawkins in “Power vs. Force.” Here are some key practices from ancient traditions that can help you use sexual energy to achieve higher states of awareness and spiritual enlightenment.

Tantric Practices

Sacred Sexual Union (Maithuna):

• Purpose: To merge the physical and spiritual, using sexual union as a meditation to awaken higher consciousness.

• Practice: Partners engage in slow, mindful sexual connection, focusing on breath and eye contact to deepen intimacy and energy flow. The aim is not to reach orgasm quickly but to prolong the sexual experience, allowing the energy to build and circulate through the chakras.

• Benefit: This practice can elevate consciousness from lower levels of desire and attachment to higher states of love, joy, and unity.

Kundalini Yoga:

• Purpose: To awaken the dormant spiritual energy at the base of the spine and raise it through the chakras.

• Practice: Involves a combination of asanas (postures), pranayama (breath control), mudras (hand gestures), and mantras (chants). Specific kriyas (sets of exercises) are designed to stimulate the kundalini energy and guide it upward.

• Benefit: Awakening kundalini can lead to profound spiritual insights and a heightened state of consciousness, moving from fear and anger to peace and enlightenment