Abductee and Contactee since 1968, Sherry Wilde Shares her Insight into the Current State of Affairs

Do you want to let go of years of emotional baggage? Kerrie Mercel discusses her groundbreaking Clarity Cards technique

You don’t want to miss this episode guys..this is the only episode where you will learn how to invite love into your life, become wealthy, achieve happiness, fix chronic pain issues, heal past relationships and traumas, fix negative thought patterns, fix unhealthy habits and much much more!!

Real Hoodoo - Sen Elias from Crescent City Conjure Discusses Hoodoo

Real Hoodoo - Sen Elias from Crescent City Conjure Discusses Hoodoo

From a young age, Sen Elias could feel the tug of magic calling him to practice the occult. During his journeys he has studied European Witchcraft, Southern Folk Magic, and Western Hermeticism. He is an initiate of the Alexandrian tradition. Sen Elias is also the owner of Crescent City Conjure which is a magical business that maintains it’s reputation for authentic spiritual tools to be used in Witchcraft and Southern Conjure. Sen Elias has dedicated his life to the pursuit of magical truths, and he endeavors to continue teaching the mysteries of his craft and learning from the wise.

Amazing Sorcerer Papa Hood Discusses Spirit Keeping

There has been a lot of debate over whether spirit keeping is slavery, but when done by an ethical conjurer spirit keeping is indeed a safe, mutual agreement the conjurer makes on behalf of the person who will be the keeper that can provide guidance, mentoring, magickal help and companionship. Join the 0.001% of people who are keeping spirits to help them advance in their skills. That being said, this is a responsibility that must not be entered into lightly. If you do not feel the calling to participate, you might want to work on your skills first. If you have been guided to hear this podcast, you are likely being called and should meditate about this.

If you are looking to purchase any spirits check out Papa Hood Sorcery at


Are Ghosts Real? We interview an Infamous Paranormal Investigator to find Out!

Paul Roberts is a paranormal investigator and journalist. He has been on over 900 paranormal investigations from UFOs to ghosts to demons to Chupacabra, they do it all. His wife Deanna Jaxine Stinson and Paul have written many books on the paranormal and you can find their books at this link:

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations - HPI International
916 203 7503
Email: pauld5606@comcast.net

Discussing Alien Disclosure with MUFON's Connecticut Chapter Director Mike Panicello

Enochian Magick

Dimension Jumping

"Jeff" and I discuss Dimension Jumping. The very controversial method of the shifting nature of reality, through the deliberate application of techniques to bring about "jumps" in our personal worlds - in effect, switching to a more desirable universe.  Yes, folks this is real.  This episode is intended to be more of a high brow conversation on the practical implications of Dimension Jumping, instead of the the how to method. If you are wondering how to dimension jump, please jump over to Reddit and search Dimension Jumping to get a step by step method on how to do it. Just remember what Jeff says in this episode, you have to have a very good working understanding of the physics involved in such a thing in order to bend reality, but it is very possible.

Spiritual Protection

What are the dangers when using psychic ability or tuning into anything paranormal? Listen to find out!