Best Reiki Practitioner — Psychic Babes

Research on Psychic Readings

Sevyn of the Stars works with the philosophy of perfect transparency and perfect communication. When you’re working with an intangible service such as a psychic reading you need to make sure you have done your homework and checked reviews. A good psychic should know their accuracy and my accuracy average is 88%. The only way a psychic can know their accuracy is to follow up with clients and get their input on the quality and quantity of information that they presented you with. It’s a good practice to ask a psychic what their accuracy rate is and how they came up with this rating.

During the reading

Choosing the right psychic is crucial. Trust in your psychic is essential, as doubt can interfere with their ability to accurately perceive your timelines. This distrust can cause your mind to race, leading less experienced psychics to misinterpret your energy as having multiple, non-existent options. Keep an open mind and be ready to accept their insights and suggestions. Ensure you feel comfortable with your chosen psychic and allow them to guide the session without prompting. This helps maintain the clarity of their premonitions. While psychics can offer valuable advice, they are not a substitute for certified mental health professionals. Listen for cues that indicate your psychic's legitimacy.

When to Get a Psychic Reading

Career Guidance If you're confused about your career, an accurate psychic can help you determine which choices align with your life path. They can provide clarity on potential career changes, promotions, and potential bonuses. I can also warn you of possible obstacles.

Recurring Problems A past life regression reading can clarify recurring problems that seem to plague you. If you're dealing with karma or past life decisions, this process can help you to release these patterns. Since you are under hypnosis during the regression we can reprogram the subconscious mind to align better with your desires. We can also visit childhood memories to process these traumas.

Heartbreak Recovery After a breakup, a psychic reading can help you understand the roadblocks preventing you from moving forward. Often, we spend a lot of time going over every aspect of the relationship in our minds and trying to reconcile what went wrong. This process is not helpful to your psyche or your heart. Kirsten offers customized solutions to help you heal, move on, or be prepared if your ex returns, putting you in control of your decision.

Avoiding Future Obstacles When you need to make a choice, Kirsten can examine your timelines and reveal potential obstacles, enabling you to make informed decisions.

When Not to Get a Psychic ReadingWhen Not to Get a Psychic Reading

Getting Back at Any Cost

I do not perform spells or any kind of rituals. Anything that will infringe on free will or support abusive relationships is not something I condone. If you've been hurt by someone and still desire their return, our focus will be on raising your vibration and healing. This will be achieved through releasement readings, energy healing, inner child work, shadow work, past life regression, and Psych-K treatments. This process often empowers clients to realize they no longer want that person back by the time we conclude our time together.


Trust your psychic, keep an open mind, and allow the session to flow naturally for the best results. Psychic readings can offer profound insights and guidance, but they are not a replacement for professional mental health care.