
Is the Randonautica App changing our timelines as we speak?

The information below should shock you, wake you up and get you to start asking questions about everything being brought into your life. I think on the surface this might read like a science fiction novel that an app would be able to change the events in our timeline but that is exactly what appears to be happening with the Randonautica Application you can buy on Apple or Google. It is the number one Role Playing game in the Apple Store.

What started as an open-source experiment on GitHub, has now become a full-blown app that has to lead to some very unsettling Randonauting Excursions.  

The Randonautica App was developed by two Russian scientists and a mysterious team of individuals no one has much information on. From my research into the history behind the app, the author of Cyberpunk states "Everything began on Reddit when u/unitiveconsciousness, or, as he is known in the community, “Comrade,” stumbled upon a weird potential technology just waiting to be polished — a technology he christened Fatum. Yes, dear readers, he stumbled onto this amazing discovery. According to Comrade, he “found it” rather than “made it” — it was given, "not produced”, says CYBERPUNK. A quantum physics experiment turned GAME, that allows users to experience what the Randonautica Website calls “The world’s first quantumly generated choose your own adventure reality game” that was developed by two Russian Scientists, “stumbled upon” by someone who only goes by the name Comrade and has now landed splat on the front page news due to some Seattle teenagers manifesting a dead body in a suitcase through the app over the weekend.

A further examination of their Wiki page on Reddit shows unmistakable proof of a concept they created to demonstrate the existence of what is called The Simulation Theory. The Simulation Theory is a theory that states that we are all living in an artificial simulation and likely a computer simulation. show you beyond a shadow of a doubt the fact that we are all living in a simulation. One method to test one type of simulation hypothesis was proposed in 2012 in a joint paper by physicists Silas R. Beane from the University of Bonn (now at the University of Washington, Seattle), and Zohreh Davoudi and Martin J. Savage from the University of Washington, Seattle and none of the events I will mention to follow are random.

What does the Randonautica app do? It uses a random number generator that can do one of two things. 

1. "Point out imperceivable points on a map that are essentially blind spots that we always go around without any reason suggesting you have never been there and probably do not even know that this place exists. "We call such places Blind-Spots.” says their Wiki page on Reddit. they further explain on their Wiki that " Generating random numbers with random number generation techniques (RNG), converting those numbers into coordinates on the surface of the earth, and then visiting the location in real life. It is essentially a real-world adventure generator that allows participants to explore Mind-Matter interactions, the theorized ability for the mind to interact with certain RNG techniques, as well as Blind-Spots, places in the world that lie outside our causal patterns of experience." The app encourages users to set a personal intention before visiting a location, in the hopes of uncovering 'synchronicities,' coincidences, or occurrences outside usual patterns of experience," according to the WIRED.

2. Create a mind driven anomalies. "This is summarized by the creators as being described to be "assuming that the participant’s thoughts can affect the quantum RNG in a way that is meaningful to them, we designed an experiment in the context of Randonauting: Just as in the previous experiment, a point is generated on the map to be visited, but the principle of generation is completely different now”.

Now let’s get ready and follow me down the proverbial rabbit hole quite a bit deeper now. What does this app purport to do? Their logo is an owl, which is a reference to the owls of eternity which is a term used by Dimension Jumpers. I fact I spoke about the owls years ago in the Dimension Jumping sub-Reddit. It suggests you can overlay something into someone’s experience, in effect create a screen over the experience so that some of the people will experience a pervading underlying theme, thus seeing the owls will be likely by at least some of the participants. Well, who exactly is Randonautica? The thing is we don’t know, but Nick Hinton, was the PR front man for Randonautica and is coincidentally one of the only two people trackable and he is no longer on their team and can’t be questioned about the app. Nick recently interviewed on Coast to Coast Radio and states very matter of factly, “Human Consciousness can impact Random Number Generators”. 

The despair meme is a term used by a Ted Talk participant, David Emerald to describe the following when a simple and highly stressful hostility agonist is introduced. For people that watch highly stressful news, this is a pattern being fed to them with an increase in adrenaline thereby causing them to feel the need to pass it on. The creators of Randonautica themselves speak about the despair meme in detail on this post on Reddit and were entirely aware of the potential for negative outcomes. They state "However, there is also a negative scenario, when thinking about the unknown, the participant’s imagination does not draw attractive prospects, but frightening threats. In such cases, there may be an obsessive anxious, a feeling that being in this place is dangerous and that reality seems to be looking at you with hostility. Sometimes people generally can abandon the very idea of an experiment, or even become angry about it, as they immediately come up with many potential threats. This phenomenon is explained by the presence of a pattern that we call Despair-meme”. They further state that "to reduce the effect of Despair-meme, it is enough to understand its nature and try not to succumb to it, then over time the brain will learn to filter out groundless fears. There are also techniques, such as facial interpretation bias modification". This suggests they knew there were inherent dangers in letting fears play into our intentions and that they didn’t disclose any of those in the app.

If you recall there was a dead body in a suitcase found using the app over the weekend. These teenagers using the app set their intention to experience “travel" and during this experiment found a dead body in a suitcase at the coordinates the app provided them. This is a classic example of a despair meme at play. Later a press release confirmed by police they had found several dead bodies in suitcases on Alki beach in Seattle. The video has already been viewed more than 15,900,000 times on TikTok and has 3,400,000 likes from other users says Lucy Middleton, a writer for Metro News in London. On the Randonautica web page is a link to a company called Presley Media. In an even more bizarre twist, Presley Media features a fake human head in a suitcase in a video they posted on Facebook in August of last year. It seems pretty coincidental that the first big news posted about the app also contains dead bodies in a black suitcase.  

On the subreddit called Randonautica, One user, who had her child aborted in the past, said she picked "babies" as her intention when she received the coordinates to a local industrial park. When she arrived at the location she found a sign that read "NO Dumping" and an infant-body sized suitcase. This would be another classic example of the despair meme at work

One user manifested “death" and at the same time, her mom told her that her cousin on life support had just died.

Given my experience with something called dimension jumping, it's very similar to the protocols I used Dimension Jumping minus the random number generator and mapped Quantum points on an app. I believe the same thing is possible using your mind and a few mirrors and a candle. I think it is creating more universal, attainable results for the average person that lacks sufficient understanding of what they are doing. This factor of a despair meme being the cause for things more sinister in our minds that we can’t think about is something dimension jumpers have had to grapple with and discussed openly on their forum. For example, if I ask you not to think about a pink elephant, what would you think about?  

What does the random number generator have to do with Dimension Jumping or Randonauting as a whole? The Random Number Generator was developed, I believe to introduce the Ganzfield Method into this field of research. By reducing outside noise and introducing true randomness the Randonautica app does seem to be generating consistent results in what we affectionately call “Dimension Jumping”. 

What we consider reality and consciousness seems to be not purely based on the physical brain. It seems that what we deem an experience is a combination of matter and consciousness. This interaction between them creates a kind of framework, which I believe helps explain the psi evidence. "It suggests that a non-local proto-conscious field of potential or seed stuff underlies both matter and consciousness”, says Mantakchia. This potential occurs regardless of distance and the amount of information required. I think the Physicist Hal Putoff was spot on in pointing out that “the zero point field pervades the universe, including the inside of neurons, so quantum mechanics is happening everywhere in the brain.” According to quantum theory, one quality of subatomic particles is ‘non-locality.’ Thus, with zero-point as the underlying mechanism acting on quantum physics and entities. This causes one entity to directly be able to affect the others—it means that every part of the universe can be in touch with every other part instantaneously. These scientists believe that Zero Point is the all-pervasive state throughout the universe. I think that we and all the matter of the universe are interconnected to the furthest reaches of the cosmos via the Zero Point Field waves of dimensions. These waves contain energy and information. Being able to interact with this zero-point energy is, in my belief, a sheer act of will. This zero-point seems to allude to the explanation for Randonautica and Dimension Jumping.

There are many personal stories and user experiences I could tell you but they wouldn’t convince you of anything. This app backs up these claims and has provided a worst-case scenario of what we don’t want to happen, happening. The debatable question is whether external determinism can influence the course of the experiment in question or the users' intent and I think this app is proving to have very real data to extrapolate from.

The Randonautica app, as opposed to the Open source project that was taken down, does not attempt to explain any of the inherent dangers in allowing children and teenagers to participate in the experience..as most kids and teens, for the most part, do not understand the concepts behind the multi-verse and lack sufficient understanding of consequences to be able to navigate this field without parental supervision. There can be serious consequences in decision making without sufficient knowledge and understanding and that is in effect what Is being done here. They are asking the app to manifest things like death and creepiness to show themselves which is possible to see if you seek that out while jumping dimensions but it has a permanent effect as you draw that experience into your timeline. Let me give you an example. Let’s say I am a 16 kid and I want to experience something "creepy." I use the app to manifest "creepy" and I put myself in a situation where the universe understands creepy to be being alone with a rapist in the middle of the night and I get raped. While that situation wasn’t previously a timeline that I would’ve chosen willingly it’s bringing that into my life and thinks I want it. What I didn’t know is- that I was essentially inviting that experience into my life via the app. I was just playing what I thought was a game and the universe was just giving me exactly what I asked for. Similarly, manifestation works the same way, but most kids wouldn’t seek out a rape experience willingly because they know that it is inherently an experience that comes with severe trauma and irreversible consequences. It appears that the Randonautica open source project also experimented with adding overlays to the experiment, using the owls of eternity example I described above which they discuss further on their Wiki Page stating "It has also been found that IDAs lead to the discovery of expected artifacts, regardless of who expects them. There were cases when participants found what other participants were talking about at that moment in the chat. The most complete test of this hypothesis was the so-called "OWL-Experiment" in which the system administrator of the server put a certain unnamed object on top of it, and then for two weeks measured the frequency of its mention in the participants' reports. The first such item was an owl figurine, in two weeks after its installation, the number of reports about owl figurines increased sharply. Similar experiments were also carried out with a piece of meteorite, which resulted in at least 4 reports of UFO sightings.” 

If the administrator is already adding overlays to this project it seems particularly likely they have added a suitcase to the overlay in this situation bringing about the particularly unusual reporting of a suitcase in at least four different people’s situations that were completely unrelated.

I believe nothing is random and the universe will give us what we ask for. Let us point out this app comes with no disclaimer and is also being marketed to teens. Kids don’t always make the best decisions in understanding what is in their best interest. According to the Randonauts Wiki page, they explain Blind Spots as "No matter what choices you make, and no matter how many variations on how your day may pass, there are always some places where you simply cannot be, because none of the chains of your decisions leads there. Such places may be somewhere nearby. On your street there may be a lane in which you will never think to look and you do not even know about its existence. What could be hiding in such blind spots? And what could be hiding in places where no one looks at all?" Given the fact that most of us spend our whole lives learning to be awake, responsible and empathetic individuals, I don’t think to send kids down these inherent blind spots in their decision making as who knows what one might find there, irrespective of the thing you think you have set your intention to. Most humans cannot truly concentrate their attention on something without any given number of distractions. This singular focus requires training and knowledge of what the focused intent is for. There is no disclaimer on the website or the app store and it does not warn of the potential dangers of attempting such action. The biggest problem here is consent. When you are an adult, one hopes you ask the right questions before you give consent to something. Consent is required in every single choice we make. Children and teenagers often look to their parents, family, and society to determine their level of consent and therefore don’t make good test subjects. Furthermore, what else is the Randonauts Application not showing us?

Let us examine a study known as The Global Consciousness Project, a parapsychology experiment begun in 1998 as an attempt to detect possible interactions of "global consciousness" with physical systems and extrapolation of two decades of experiments from the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR). "PEAR employed electronic random event generators (REGs) to explore the ability of test subjects to use psychokinesis to influence the random output distribution of these devices to conform to their pre-recorded intentions to produce higher numbers, lower numbers, or nominal baselines."

As their experiment shows, test subjects' intention can cause randomness distribution to significantly deviate from average waited values. Let us refer back to their Wiki on the old Reddit once again wherein the summary they state "The use of attractor-points related to these fluctuations can be a real creation of a portal to a parallel world and the Fatum project is not just a way to create new probability-tunnels, but a way to travel through the multiverse. After such a probabilistic shift, something in the reality surrounding us can change retrocausally. Perhaps some small detail or an event of the past will be overwritten, which causes the so-called Mandela Effect. It is recommended to avoid the effects of despair-memes during the Planeshifting, as they can cause negative expectations and move you to dangerous timelines.” 

This is the part I suggest you pay close attention to. I think that none of this was an experiment anymore. It is evident they knew exactly what the effect would be and might be playing with people’s experiences to show you one of two things. 1. That it could be done, which dimension jumpers already know but largely something the general public has been unaware of 2. To change and alter our timelines.

If this is the case I guess the question we should be asking is what was the purpose behind their intention?


  1. Beane, Silas; Zohreh Davoudi; Martin J. Savage (9 November 2012). "Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation". arXiv:1210.1847Bibcode:2014EPJA...50..148Bdoi:10.1140/epja/i2014-14148-0Lay summary – The Physics arXiv Blog (October 10, 2012).

  2. "Detectives Investigating After Human Remains Found in West Seattle. (2020). Retrieved 24 June 2020, from https://spdblotter.seattle.gov/2020/06/19/detectives-investigating-after-human-remains-found-in-west-seattle/

  3. Emerald, D. (2020). the despair-meme : randonauts. Retrieved 23 June 2020, from https://www.reddit.com/r/randonauts/comments/ba5yli/the_despairmeme/

  4. First Try...disturbing : randonauts. (2020). Retrieved 24 June 2020, from https://www.reddit.com/r/randonauts/comments/hde8sq/first_trydisturbing/

  5. Hinton, N. (2020). Randonauting / Open Lines [Podcast]. Retrieved 24 June 2020, from https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2020-06-12-show/

  6. I manifested death...... : randonauts. (2020). Retrieved 22 June 2020, from https://www.reddit.com/r/randonauts/comments/hdik39/i_manifested_death/

  7. If you've got travel plans coming up, you wont want to miss out on these packing tips from our dude, Derek. CC Stefaney. (2020). Retrieved 24 June 2020, from https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=54501908937296

  8. Parker, A. (2020). Ganzfeld | Psi Encyclopedia. Retrieved 24 June 2020, from https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/ganzfeld

  9. Magno, Emannuel. "Everything began on Reddit when u/unitiveconsciousness, or, as he is known in the community, “Comrade,” stumbled upon a weird potential technology just waiting to be polished — a technology he christened Fatum. Yes, dear readers, he stumbled onto this amazing discovery. According to Comrade, he “found it” rather than “made it” — it was given, "not produced”, Cyberpunk Blog

  10. Noosphere. (2020). Princeton.Retrieved 24 June 2020, from http://noosphere.princeton.edu/papers/pear/fieldreg2.pdf

  11. Kiley, Rachel. (2020, June 22). TikTok teens say they found suitcase filled with human remains while using Randonautica app. Daily Dot. https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/tiktok-human-remains-randonautica/

  12. "You're living in a computer simulation, and math proves it"Gizmodo. Retrieved 23 June 2020.

  13. Randonauts, LLC. (2020). (Version 1.0.6). Apple iOS [Mobile application software]. Retrieved from https://apps.apple.com/us/app/randonautica/id1493743521

  14. The World’s First Quantumly Generated Choose Your Own Adventure Game"Randonautica. (2020). randonautica.com. Retrieved from https://www.randonautica.com.

  15. Theory - Randonauts. (2019). Old.Reddit.com.https://old.reddit.com/r/randonauts/wiki/theory

  16. Walker, J. (2020). ‘Randonauts’ have found a great way to spice up lockdown walks. Retrieved 24 June 2020, Wired. from https://www.wired.co.uk/article/randonautica-lockdown

  17. Zero Point Field and Non-Locality - Mantak Chia. (2020). Retrieved 24 June 2020, from https://www.mantakchia.com/zero-point-field-and-non-locality

Why most psychics don’t get 100% accuracy every time and why my readings have such a high percentage of accuracy

Why most psychics don’t get 100% accuracy every time and why my readings have such a high percentage of accuracy.

A psychic doesn’t get to choose the information they are given by spirit and we certainly don’t get to know why the information is the way it is.  We are simply translators of energy and information and it takes years to recognize how to read this information correctly and how to interpret the information effectively.  There are three major concepts a person must keep in mind when hiring a psychic and those are the concept of free will and the concepts of timelines.


free will or choice can throw off the whole reading if you don't look at timelines

What is the concept of free will?

First we have to look into the concept of free will. A psychic cannot affect that concept, we cannot change someone’s ability to change their mind, unless you practice dark magic which is effect using energy to affect someone’s free will but that is not what I am talking about nor is this a process I use.  The reason a psychic is not always 100% accurate is because at the time we are looking into your energy we are are seeing your energy for the way it is in that moment. 

What are timelines and why are they so important?

Now let us look at timelines. We have to understand that space and time does not exist in the way that you think it does.  Quantum Physics and the theory of non locality show there is no real separation between past, present and future and that nothing exists in space the way think of it.  If we look at decades of spiritual practice and writings from ancient tribes and other cultures we know that these tribes understood these principals long ago. The changes in the timeline are connected directly to you, your actions, and your influences.  Each of you is accountable and responsible for the changes to your timelines, for your actions, inactivity, and the myriad of small choices you make each day.   When the question you are asking affects multiple people and multiple peoples choices, we cannot account for their ability to change their mind and affect the timeline they are currently on now.  If they do change their mind, they jump to a new timeline and likely so do you if the decision affects you.  Each action or reaction you make causes these timelines to shift. You must also understand that a psychic is looking at your timeline, as you have given them permission to do so.  While you can change the timeline for yourself, you cannot do so for others but you can release past energies that inhibit your relationship with them on your timeline. 

What can you as a client do? 

Remember, our thoughts and actions create the future, it is not set in stone. The future is continuously changing and therefore timeframes and predictions can fluctuate. I always advise clients rather than focusing on timeframes and future predictions, focus on the present and what they can be doing NOW to help create the future they desire.  You need to have full faith in the psychic you have chosen. If you don’t have full faith then consult another psychic.  If you have full faith, you are more likely to take their advice on board and follow it to a T.

What about Psychics who offer 100% accurate timelines 

Indeed, it is true that accurate timelines are strong selling points for a psychic to offer, but any claims with the promise of an infallible timeline is simply false advertisement.  The very concept of Time Dilation, which is a concept that shows time moves slower for astronauts in space than it does here on earth shows that the rate at which the event the psychic is seeing is approaching can be skewed and if they don’t know about this concept they will not be able to know how to interpret it.

Why can’t all psychics get 100% accuracy on timelines?

There are psychics including myself who get information that includes timelines, but it is not my choice when and why I get them and they can always be changed because of free will and because they involve many different timelines. Another concept I believe in is the concept that no particular action can be viewed by spirit unless it already exists. So if a client asks about something they cannot see they cannot predict a timeline for it. Also, translating spiritual information is tetamount to translating a foreign language and if you aren’t at least partially fluent in that language you are not going to get that accuracy that most clients are looking for.

What are psychic predictions based on?

It is based on a combination of two things. What is happening now and your past behaviors.  Just like weather predictions, if one thing changes it all changes. This is why it is important to control your emotions and change them, change your behaviors and patterns and you can effectively change your future.  A psychic reading whether or not you believe it, is an attempt by yourself to alter the course of action.  If a psychic like myself predicts something and it doesn’t come to fruition there’s a very likely change that just by hearing what the psychic had to say even if you don’t take it on board, that you changed your course of action based on the information you got in that reading.  If something is destined to happen for you, any psychic worth their salt will be able to get information on it happening and tips on how to speed it along, but they might not be able to tell you when it will happen.

Why do Psychic Babes readings differ?

Some psychics may have the ability to see timeline information or probability information but they haven’t devised methods in which to use the data and haven’t brainstormed methods that would further allow them to get more accurate information on probability.

In some psychic readings I can dowse the probability of an event in percentage form to come to fruition and I will get a numerical value, which is why I believe my readings are so accurate, but I still have to explain that this percentage depends upon all things being the same as they are at the given point in the reading. Meaning that the timeline is given if all things stay the same as they are right now, if one person changes their mind and acts differently, it will affect that percentage.  If they involve multiple people and multiple scenarios then it becomes more complicated and I will sometimes get a low percentage because of the concept of free will and because the client will likely not take spirits advice and will do what they think is best instead of the advice I have gotten from spirit. Sometimes they will come true within that given timeline but that is usually due to the client having an open mind and taking the information given from spirit under advisement and following it.  Another tactic I use is I also ask your spirit guides, “Did this event happen in the past, present or future?”   While time doesn’t exist in the spirit world it does exist in this world where all your events in your life are taking place.  When I do give a projected timeline in a reading I always offer practical courses of action, advisable to help bring the desired outcome into existence within the given time frame. I am also a remote viewer which gives me an edge on timelines.  I can often perceive multiple timelines but this only comes with years of experience in reading timelines, having a high frequency and natural ability. The clients that come to me time and time again usually have a higher probability of projected timeline success because they have worked with me many times and seen that if they listen to the advice of spirit and follow the recommended advice their percentage of success is high.  If you do ask for a timeline, please realize that it is based on everything that has happened in your life and that of those you are calling about and preceded the consultation you are having with your Psychic.  Your psychic only reveals where things are for you. 

Why do ethics come into play? What are ethical psychic readings?

I also am an ethical psychic which means I will only give you information you are ready to hear, meaning that spirit might not give it to me or I might not deliver the information to you because it would ruin the chances of something amazing happening for you. 

If in a reading you get from me, I said something or many things that caused one or many changes in your actions, then I have done my job.  I have delivered the message you needed to hear and that information changed the outcome of your life, forever. That is my goal and that should be the goal of any legitimate psychic.

why most psychics aren't


How To Dimension Jump

How To Dimension Jump

Many versions of you exists in multiple dimensions. The worst version of yourself all the way to the best version of yourself. This is considered although not coined here “Dimension Jumping”, “Timeline Jumping”, “Quantum Jumping” “Dimension Leaping” “Timeline Shifting” or quite simply “DJing”. Linear Time is an illusion. A timeline consists of many parallel realities frames that are experienced from a specific point of view. You can jump timelines by finding the vibration of where you want to go. Ultimately you are lining up with the experiences you want to have and letting go of the need to learn from past failures and through them and are adapting. More specifically, you are detaching from yourself in order to allow a formatting shift and triggering a replacement (either by deliberate intending or accidental alignment via mood association) either through the mirror method, two cups method, Memory Block exploration via The Infinite Grid and Hall of Records -metaphor restructuring, Neville Goddard’s approach based on ideas about the serial universe, Ebony Apu and the Hawk and Jackal System of multidimensional magic or through the direct creation of synchronicity (Kirby Suprise’s book Syncronicity).One of the most difficult things to grasp is the change in the concept of what “you” are. No matter what experience you appear to be having right now you are still conscious open space..you cannot NOT be this. You might take on the shape of this or that world but like a pool of water that has become rippled you are still that water.