Summoning Hathor

Most of you have heard of Chris Bledsoe’s story of the lady. I believe that this is the same energy as the Goddess Hathor.

If you wish to call on her and have her enter your space There are a few things you should do. Please note this is a summoning ritual, and it will only work if you have a completely open heart and benevolent intentions to grow and to learn from this amazing goddess.Ritual of Invocation for Hathor


• Two candles (one gold, one blue)

• Incense (preferably myrrh or frankincense)

• A small mirror or a piece of turquoise

• Offerings (such as music, dance, or sweet foods like dates or honey)

• A bowl of water


1. Create a Sacred Space: Arrange a clean, quiet area comfortably. Place the mirror or turquoise in the center as a symbol of Hathor’s presence. This is surrounded by the bowl of water, which reflects her nurturing aspects.

2. Candle Arrangement: Place the gold candle to represent her luminescence and beauty and the blue candle to symbolize her celestial connection as the sky goddess.

3. Incense Burning: Light incense to purify the space and create an atmosphere conducive to divine presence. She loves either frankincense or myrrh.

Invocation Ritual:

1. Opening Words: Begin by stating your intention clearly, for example:

• “O great Hathor, lady of the sky, joy, and love, I call upon you.”

2. Light the Candles: As you light each candle, focus on the attributes of Hathor you wish to invoke:

• Light the gold candle saying, “Hathor, whose golden light brings joy and beauty.”

• Light the blue candle saying, “Hathor, endless sky, your compassion embraces the world.”

3. Offering: Present your offerings while singing, playing music, or simply expressing words of adoration and request. You then  say:

Nekhbet Hathor, Heryt-ib sen nefer, Ankhet en kemet.

Djed-medu en Hathor neb.t mery.t, neferet weret,

Heneket ka.k neb senet.

I offer these gifts as a token of my devotion and in celebration of your magnificent grace.

Here is a rough translation of this prayer in Egyptian:

• Nekhbet (Nekh-bet) - Hail

• Hathor (Ha-thor) - Hathor

• Heryt-ib (Her-yit-ib) - Mistress of the heart

• Sen nefer (Sen nef-er) - of beauty

• Ankhet en kemet (An-khet en ke-met) - Life of Egypt

• Djed-medu (Jed-med-u) - Words spoken

• Neb.t mery.t (Neb-t mer-y.t) - great beloved

• Neferet weret (Nef-er-et wer-et) - great beauty

• Heneket ka.k (He-ne-ket ka-k) - Sustain my spirit

• Neb senet (Neb sen-et) - all my days

Next If you would like to call her in: Iri-nefert Hathor, Nefer-hetepet weret,

Em-khak neferu, Ankhet kau en Heret.

Henk-ef en Heru, iw.f hna.i em akhet.

Rough translation: Come in peace, Hathor, great of favor,

With beautiful offerings, life of the house.

Join me as a companion, be with me in the horizon.

4. Water Blessing: Dip your fingers in the bowl of water and bless the room.

5. Mirror or Turquoise Invocation: Gaze into the mirror or touch the turquoise, visualize Hathor’s presence, and say:

• “Goddess of beauty and protectress of homes, bless this sacred space with your presence. Grant me (state your specific desire).”

6. Closing the Ritual: Thank Hathor for her attention:

• “Senebty Hathor, Heryt-nebet nefret.

Ha ankhi, djed en etj.

Renpet neferet, em hotep.

Shesep en ra, seneb en pa.” Translation: Farewell Hathor, Mistress of every beauty.

Remain in life, stable and established.

A beautiful year, in peace.

Receiving the sun, health to the body

7. Extinguish the Candles: Gently blow out the candles, affirming that her spirit remains though the lights dim.

Post-Ritual Reflection:

• Spend a few moments in quiet contemplation or meditation, absorbing the energies invoked and considering any insights received.

Such a ritual not only honors the goddess but aligns the practitioner with her attributes, ensuring that the invocation is both respectful and potent.

How to understand timelines

Visualize the earth as a tall tree where each decision, each action and each event sprouts a new branch in the infinite tree of reality. This is the realm of multiple timelines, an intricate Multiverse of possibilities where each conceivable path exists.

Each individual has the possibility to view these timelines, but how many timelines you can view is in direct relation to your level of consciousness. The more elevated your consciousness, the more timelines you can perceive. The more conscious you are and the more work you have done to heal your core wounds, the more influence you will have on the collective timeline. The more conscious you are the more weight your thoughts carry in the main earth timeline. In this‘Time Tree,’ individual timelines merge with Earth’s principal pathways. Those who feel bound to the 3D realm, constrained by the traditional laws of space and time, might find it challenging to transcend or navigate across these timelines. Yet, Earth itself is on a journey, constantly evolving along one of its potential timelines - sometimes harmonious, leading to peace and unity, or tumultuous, veering towards challenge and discord depending on millions of factors.

Contrary to popular belief, concepts like ‘the Rapture’ or ‘Armageddon’ are profoundly misunderstood from a dimensional standpoint. It’s not about being suddenly transported to another realm; it’s a gradual process. Souls may choose to ascend from this 3D reality to higher dimensions, or they might stay, continuing their journey here, each at their own pace.Timelines are fluid, ever-shifting, and not linear. Let’s say, for example, I wanted to look at the timelines for extraterrestrial contact, and I see those timelines converging and then I bring in a reality where I let somebody convince me that extraterrestrial don’t exist. I completely close out that timeline for myself but there are millions of other people who are still open to this timeline, so it doesn’t completely shut it out. It’s important to distinguish between ‘possible’ and ‘probable’ futures, especially in predictions. Numerous universal timelines run parallel, yet there’s always one dominant, most ‘probable’ timeline.

Consider the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East These regions, rich in vortex portals, act as amplifiers of human thoughts and emotions. Here, every sentiment, whether of peace or conflict, is intensified, spiraling through these energetic gateways. This is why significant spiritual and religious sites are often found along these lines.

The transition to a 5D reality is underway, driven by the collective desire for truth and change. It’s about the power of intention and thought. When focused on specific goals, desires, or outcomes, we have the potential to steer not only our personal timelines but also influence humanity’s collective path.

The collective consciousness of humanity holds immense power. When unified in thought and belief, we can usher in monumental shifts in our global timeline. And within the realm of quantum mechanics, where all possibilities exist simultaneously, our focused consciousness can materialize specific realities, shaping our shared future.

This journey through timelines and dimensions reflects our collective power and potential. Our choices, beliefs, and intentions are not just personal; they shape the very fabric of our shared reality.

Why most psychics don’t get 100% accuracy every time and why my readings have such a high percentage of accuracy

Why most psychics don’t get 100% accuracy every time and why my readings have such a high percentage of accuracy.

A psychic doesn’t get to choose the information they are given by spirit and we certainly don’t get to know why the information is the way it is.  We are simply translators of energy and information and it takes years to recognize how to read this information correctly and how to interpret the information effectively.  There are three major concepts a person must keep in mind when hiring a psychic and those are the concept of free will and the concepts of timelines.


free will or choice can throw off the whole reading if you don't look at timelines

What is the concept of free will?

First we have to look into the concept of free will. A psychic cannot affect that concept, we cannot change someone’s ability to change their mind, unless you practice dark magic which is effect using energy to affect someone’s free will but that is not what I am talking about nor is this a process I use.  The reason a psychic is not always 100% accurate is because at the time we are looking into your energy we are are seeing your energy for the way it is in that moment. 

What are timelines and why are they so important?

Now let us look at timelines. We have to understand that space and time does not exist in the way that you think it does.  Quantum Physics and the theory of non locality show there is no real separation between past, present and future and that nothing exists in space the way think of it.  If we look at decades of spiritual practice and writings from ancient tribes and other cultures we know that these tribes understood these principals long ago. The changes in the timeline are connected directly to you, your actions, and your influences.  Each of you is accountable and responsible for the changes to your timelines, for your actions, inactivity, and the myriad of small choices you make each day.   When the question you are asking affects multiple people and multiple peoples choices, we cannot account for their ability to change their mind and affect the timeline they are currently on now.  If they do change their mind, they jump to a new timeline and likely so do you if the decision affects you.  Each action or reaction you make causes these timelines to shift. You must also understand that a psychic is looking at your timeline, as you have given them permission to do so.  While you can change the timeline for yourself, you cannot do so for others but you can release past energies that inhibit your relationship with them on your timeline. 

What can you as a client do? 

Remember, our thoughts and actions create the future, it is not set in stone. The future is continuously changing and therefore timeframes and predictions can fluctuate. I always advise clients rather than focusing on timeframes and future predictions, focus on the present and what they can be doing NOW to help create the future they desire.  You need to have full faith in the psychic you have chosen. If you don’t have full faith then consult another psychic.  If you have full faith, you are more likely to take their advice on board and follow it to a T.

What about Psychics who offer 100% accurate timelines 

Indeed, it is true that accurate timelines are strong selling points for a psychic to offer, but any claims with the promise of an infallible timeline is simply false advertisement.  The very concept of Time Dilation, which is a concept that shows time moves slower for astronauts in space than it does here on earth shows that the rate at which the event the psychic is seeing is approaching can be skewed and if they don’t know about this concept they will not be able to know how to interpret it.

Why can’t all psychics get 100% accuracy on timelines?

There are psychics including myself who get information that includes timelines, but it is not my choice when and why I get them and they can always be changed because of free will and because they involve many different timelines. Another concept I believe in is the concept that no particular action can be viewed by spirit unless it already exists. So if a client asks about something they cannot see they cannot predict a timeline for it. Also, translating spiritual information is tetamount to translating a foreign language and if you aren’t at least partially fluent in that language you are not going to get that accuracy that most clients are looking for.

What are psychic predictions based on?

It is based on a combination of two things. What is happening now and your past behaviors.  Just like weather predictions, if one thing changes it all changes. This is why it is important to control your emotions and change them, change your behaviors and patterns and you can effectively change your future.  A psychic reading whether or not you believe it, is an attempt by yourself to alter the course of action.  If a psychic like myself predicts something and it doesn’t come to fruition there’s a very likely change that just by hearing what the psychic had to say even if you don’t take it on board, that you changed your course of action based on the information you got in that reading.  If something is destined to happen for you, any psychic worth their salt will be able to get information on it happening and tips on how to speed it along, but they might not be able to tell you when it will happen.

Why do Psychic Babes readings differ?

Some psychics may have the ability to see timeline information or probability information but they haven’t devised methods in which to use the data and haven’t brainstormed methods that would further allow them to get more accurate information on probability.

In some psychic readings I can dowse the probability of an event in percentage form to come to fruition and I will get a numerical value, which is why I believe my readings are so accurate, but I still have to explain that this percentage depends upon all things being the same as they are at the given point in the reading. Meaning that the timeline is given if all things stay the same as they are right now, if one person changes their mind and acts differently, it will affect that percentage.  If they involve multiple people and multiple scenarios then it becomes more complicated and I will sometimes get a low percentage because of the concept of free will and because the client will likely not take spirits advice and will do what they think is best instead of the advice I have gotten from spirit. Sometimes they will come true within that given timeline but that is usually due to the client having an open mind and taking the information given from spirit under advisement and following it.  Another tactic I use is I also ask your spirit guides, “Did this event happen in the past, present or future?”   While time doesn’t exist in the spirit world it does exist in this world where all your events in your life are taking place.  When I do give a projected timeline in a reading I always offer practical courses of action, advisable to help bring the desired outcome into existence within the given time frame. I am also a remote viewer which gives me an edge on timelines.  I can often perceive multiple timelines but this only comes with years of experience in reading timelines, having a high frequency and natural ability. The clients that come to me time and time again usually have a higher probability of projected timeline success because they have worked with me many times and seen that if they listen to the advice of spirit and follow the recommended advice their percentage of success is high.  If you do ask for a timeline, please realize that it is based on everything that has happened in your life and that of those you are calling about and preceded the consultation you are having with your Psychic.  Your psychic only reveals where things are for you. 

Why do ethics come into play? What are ethical psychic readings?

I also am an ethical psychic which means I will only give you information you are ready to hear, meaning that spirit might not give it to me or I might not deliver the information to you because it would ruin the chances of something amazing happening for you. 

If in a reading you get from me, I said something or many things that caused one or many changes in your actions, then I have done my job.  I have delivered the message you needed to hear and that information changed the outcome of your life, forever. That is my goal and that should be the goal of any legitimate psychic.

why most psychics aren't


Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing

When I consulted Arrole, he stated the best way for me to learn about Ancestral Healing was to do one. We scheduled it on a Saturday morning at 6AM. I did this on purpose so that my daughter who is three, would still be asleep. We first started with deep breathing then we invited the ancestors in of my past. I do not work as a medium so this was the first time I saw my ancestors come in and line up like a long chain of people going back as far as I could see. They appeared to me in the astral plane some looked happy to be there others did not. He started with the crown chakra and asked me to picture a color and asked me what feelings came up. I immediately felt a lot of sadness come through and I started crying. I felt this well up in me like a wave of fear and anxiety. I felt feelings of doubt in my self worth and the healing that I do as if I was not good enough.

How to Develop Your Innate Psychic Abilities

How to Develop Your Innate Psychic Abilities

If you wish to develop your innate psychic abilities you only need to look within. All the answers are within our own scope of attainment, but so often we look to outer sources to complete our development and this is not the case with psychic abilities.  Psi abilities are no longer wide speculation, but rather serious scientific areas that are being looked and studied by Quantum Physicists, Mathematicians, Psychology and many other disciplines.

If you plan to embark down this path here are a few different ways that you haven’t heard before to get you started on your journey to this beautiful thing called intuition.

How To Dimension Jump

How To Dimension Jump

Many versions of you exists in multiple dimensions. The worst version of yourself all the way to the best version of yourself. This is considered although not coined here “Dimension Jumping”, “Timeline Jumping”, “Quantum Jumping” “Dimension Leaping” “Timeline Shifting” or quite simply “DJing”. Linear Time is an illusion. A timeline consists of many parallel realities frames that are experienced from a specific point of view. You can jump timelines by finding the vibration of where you want to go. Ultimately you are lining up with the experiences you want to have and letting go of the need to learn from past failures and through them and are adapting. More specifically, you are detaching from yourself in order to allow a formatting shift and triggering a replacement (either by deliberate intending or accidental alignment via mood association) either through the mirror method, two cups method, Memory Block exploration via The Infinite Grid and Hall of Records -metaphor restructuring, Neville Goddard’s approach based on ideas about the serial universe, Ebony Apu and the Hawk and Jackal System of multidimensional magic or through the direct creation of synchronicity (Kirby Suprise’s book Syncronicity).One of the most difficult things to grasp is the change in the concept of what “you” are. No matter what experience you appear to be having right now you are still conscious open cannot NOT be this. You might take on the shape of this or that world but like a pool of water that has become rippled you are still that water.

Psychic Seduction

Psychic Seduction

it is important to note that psychic abilities are much like an unlearned language. If no one had started to teach you words, their pronunciation, and then the construction of complete sentences, would you be able to speak today? 

Obviously, you wouldn't. In fact, there are many adults out there who still cannot speak English. Are they any less smarter than you and I? No, they simply never learned to speak English. But, I bet they are perfectly capable of speaking in their own language...the one they were taught to communicate with, while growing up. I want you to think of psychic ability in the same way. Just think of it as another language you're trying to learn. Because, that's really all it is about...