Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
Attention, Manifestation and Intention. These are all connected and all are compatible. They work in unison. What does this mean and how does it effect us? When we have unhealed trauma from childhood we tend to doubt everything. So much so that we become extremely negative and focused on seeing the world as a dark and lonely place. If we don’t heal these core wounds we will focus on negative things such as disputes, issues, drama and tragedies.
It’s important to be a healthy skeptic but if you notice that you are perpetually a Debbie downer you are likely stuck in a feedback loop that is a result of unhealed trauma. During childhood when we develop our core beliefs, if we don’t have parents that love and support us, we begin to question love and support from everyone. This trauma bleeds over into your adulthood, and you are actually stuck in a loop and causing these dark things to come your way. This is not a popular theory, but it is one that must be addressed and I have documented with my clients time and time again. Once they heal their trauma magically life becomes more positive.
The reason for this is once you heal you create a different feedback loop, that is of a positive nature and therefore, you are drawing more positive experiences into your life.
To test this theory, watch a scandal on the news, sooo many people gravitate towards this! The more people that bring their attention to the negative, the more it will grow and expand. For example, If you tell your child "you are stupid" , he will keep acting in a way that seems stupid to you because all you are focusing on is his faults and what he is doing wrong.
Our reality is shaped by our thoughts. Yours, mine and the rest of the worlds. Not only do we think about what we desire but we also think about the things we want to avoid. Focusing on the negative causes it to manifest in our world. The more people that focus on said issue, the more likely it will actually manifest in this reality. Just by thinking it!!!
You have to take ownership and realize you are powerful and you make up your own rules and construct your own reality. According to the Law of Assumption, what we assume to be true will eventually come to pass. I am not advocating spiritual bypassing and only focusing on happy things but you need to pay attention to the good in your life and focus on exhibiting gratitude for all the small things you have. you also have to do the work to heal your traumas and core wounds. That means doing the work to forgive those who have harmed you.
When I wake up in the morning I thank the sun for shining, I thank my house for shelter, I thank my daughter for being so amazing, I thank all of my clients for bringing me work I love and lastly, I thank myself for what I will do today.
An important tenant in Manifestation is the conviction that we are directly influenced by the ideas, beliefs, and intentions we harbor. When we make a conscious decision to create or experience something we need to harness the power of intention and focus and cultivate a deep sense of clarity and purpose. This means understanding what we want and why we want it. When our intentions are aligned with our values and beliefs, we tap into a source of limitless energy and inspiration. When we heal our traumas we align with higher frequencies which bring higher vibrational energy and create matching experiences. When we set an intention we are sending a clear message to the universe about our desires. This intention with the proper alignment acts like a magnet, drawing us towards people, situations and opportunities that align with our vision. By focusing on this intention with a clear mind, we amplify its power. If two or more people share the same intention and focus together on this vision it will amplify this field even more. If six people do this, it amplifies it 600%. This is what we call the Maharishi Effect. (many experiments have been done to prove this fact). When you heal your trauma and clear that negative energy you are not only healing it for yourself but for the collective as well. Each person doing their work helps raise the collective frequency that makes the planet a better place!
Now, knowing what we can do if we put our minds together for something good or great we must also understand by focusing on negative things in a group setting or on social media will draw that experience toward everyone as well.
Armed with this knowledge, what will you change today? What will you do to make the planet a better place for yourself, for your children and for humanity. Don’t ever think that one person’s voice doesn’t count because that is the biggest deception that we’ve been told! The powers that be do not want you to know how powerful you actually are! This is how they keep people enslaved. Every day is a new opportunity to create a different reality. It doesn’t matter what you did yesterday or the day before but what you do today that makes all the difference.
I would like you to experiment with this.
Here are some things you can do:
1. Participate in group meditations for a certain city or event (transcendental meditation)
2. Create a group meditation for a specific city, place, person or event.
3. Force yourself to do shadow work and forgive those who have wronged you.
4. I am not a fan of this program as a whole but the Alcoholics Anonymous program has many steps, but one in particular that is life changing. Step 4- taking moral inventory- that is one of the most beneficial things that you can probably ever do. you can look online to find the worksheets that will help you. You do not have to have been an addict or alcoholic to do this.
5. Dialogue with your inner child to find out what they need from the adult you to heal. (This is called gestalting) you can do this with a therapist or on your own.
6. Do the shadow work prompts from an earlier post I created.
7. Get your anger out.
8. When you have a negative thought stop yourself and find out where in the body that emotion is coming from then transmute that energy into a more positive energy. This takes a bit of practice, but once you’ve done it a handful of times you’ll be a pro!
9. Write a letter to everybody who has harmed you, get everything out of your system, and forgive them. Then burn the letter and give it back to the Earth.
10. If you get stuck in anger on number nine, watch the TikTok or video above or contact me for healing.
11. Make a conscious effort to smile at strangers for no reason. This will shift your frequency.
12. Steer clear of toxic people and toxic energies until you can deflect and transmute that energy so you don’t take it on.
13. Immediately when you wake up, give gratitude for everything that you have in your life but do these things individually. Ex. I am greatful for my home, I am greatful for my friends) if you aren’t grateful for something, leave it out or try to turn it into something positive. Let’s say my car is broken down and it makes me angry, i would say, I am grateful that mechanics exist. Do you see what I’m doing here? That is transmuting the energy.
14. Get a pendulum and learn how to clear yourself and when you wake up in the morning before you start your day, clear yourself of any dense energy, negative thought loops, victimhood programs and other people’s energy that might have gotten mixed with yours.
15. The best way to experience more things to be grateful for is to express gratitude for the things you already have. This is the most important lesson I can teach you. It’s a simple one, but do not think it doesn’t matter and it doesn’t have any power because it’s extremely powerful.
16. Practice loving yourself and giving yourself more grace. This intern will create the reciprocity in others.
17. Do not let yourself get dragged into other peoples drama. Remember you aren’t contributing to that loop anymore.
18. Discern whether you are regurgitating other peoples beliefs that you were taught as a child or whether they are your own. Repeat them to yourself over and over to make sure that they are in fact yours.
19. Forgive!! This includes forgiving yourself.
20. Participate in ancestral veneration. It clears your negative family, Karma forwards and backwards meaning you clear it for your kids and the generations that came before you.