Summoning Hathor

Most of you have heard of Chris Bledsoe’s story of the lady. I believe that this is the same energy as the Goddess Hathor.

If you wish to call on her and have her enter your space There are a few things you should do. Please note this is a summoning ritual, and it will only work if you have a completely open heart and benevolent intentions to grow and to learn from this amazing goddess.Ritual of Invocation for Hathor


• Two candles (one gold, one blue)

• Incense (preferably myrrh or frankincense)

• A small mirror or a piece of turquoise

• Offerings (such as music, dance, or sweet foods like dates or honey)

• A bowl of water


1. Create a Sacred Space: Arrange a clean, quiet area comfortably. Place the mirror or turquoise in the center as a symbol of Hathor’s presence. This is surrounded by the bowl of water, which reflects her nurturing aspects.

2. Candle Arrangement: Place the gold candle to represent her luminescence and beauty and the blue candle to symbolize her celestial connection as the sky goddess.

3. Incense Burning: Light incense to purify the space and create an atmosphere conducive to divine presence. She loves either frankincense or myrrh.

Invocation Ritual:

1. Opening Words: Begin by stating your intention clearly, for example:

• “O great Hathor, lady of the sky, joy, and love, I call upon you.”

2. Light the Candles: As you light each candle, focus on the attributes of Hathor you wish to invoke:

• Light the gold candle saying, “Hathor, whose golden light brings joy and beauty.”

• Light the blue candle saying, “Hathor, endless sky, your compassion embraces the world.”

3. Offering: Present your offerings while singing, playing music, or simply expressing words of adoration and request. You then  say:

Nekhbet Hathor, Heryt-ib sen nefer, Ankhet en kemet.

Djed-medu en Hathor neb.t mery.t, neferet weret,

Heneket ka.k neb senet.

I offer these gifts as a token of my devotion and in celebration of your magnificent grace.

Here is a rough translation of this prayer in Egyptian:

• Nekhbet (Nekh-bet) - Hail

• Hathor (Ha-thor) - Hathor

• Heryt-ib (Her-yit-ib) - Mistress of the heart

• Sen nefer (Sen nef-er) - of beauty

• Ankhet en kemet (An-khet en ke-met) - Life of Egypt

• Djed-medu (Jed-med-u) - Words spoken

• Neb.t mery.t (Neb-t mer-y.t) - great beloved

• Neferet weret (Nef-er-et wer-et) - great beauty

• Heneket ka.k (He-ne-ket ka-k) - Sustain my spirit

• Neb senet (Neb sen-et) - all my days

Next If you would like to call her in: Iri-nefert Hathor, Nefer-hetepet weret,

Em-khak neferu, Ankhet kau en Heret.

Henk-ef en Heru, iw.f hna.i em akhet.

Rough translation: Come in peace, Hathor, great of favor,

With beautiful offerings, life of the house.

Join me as a companion, be with me in the horizon.

4. Water Blessing: Dip your fingers in the bowl of water and bless the room.

5. Mirror or Turquoise Invocation: Gaze into the mirror or touch the turquoise, visualize Hathor’s presence, and say:

• “Goddess of beauty and protectress of homes, bless this sacred space with your presence. Grant me (state your specific desire).”

6. Closing the Ritual: Thank Hathor for her attention:

• “Senebty Hathor, Heryt-nebet nefret.

Ha ankhi, djed en etj.

Renpet neferet, em hotep.

Shesep en ra, seneb en pa.” Translation: Farewell Hathor, Mistress of every beauty.

Remain in life, stable and established.

A beautiful year, in peace.

Receiving the sun, health to the body

7. Extinguish the Candles: Gently blow out the candles, affirming that her spirit remains though the lights dim.

Post-Ritual Reflection:

• Spend a few moments in quiet contemplation or meditation, absorbing the energies invoked and considering any insights received.

Such a ritual not only honors the goddess but aligns the practitioner with her attributes, ensuring that the invocation is both respectful and potent.

Free Shadow Work Workbook

FREE for all of you!! The infamous shadow work compendium!!! Please pay attention to this and do the exercises. It will help you more than you will ever comprehend at this moment. Be honest, be rigorously honest with yourself. Then spend some time and work on this. Your friends, spouses, loved ones and colleagues will be grateful but most of all you will feel a sense of wholeness unlike ever before.

Copyright by: Kirsten Sandefur

What is your shadow?

 We all have biological needs, right? Food,
Safety, comfort and belonging are the most obvious ones. Well as children when we were scolded for certain behaviors or admonished for expressing parts of ourselves that didn't  fit into conventional customs or practices and those scoldings or punishments for acting in that manner threatened one of our basic needs. Maybe being scolded at home threatened our safety at home, or being reprimanded or laughed at in school threatened our sense of belonging. We therefore adjusted our behavior to gratify our needs and those parts of us that we were scolded for were put in a box and locked away. They never disappear though, they are very much a part of you and they comprise who you really are. Children accumulate that box of that un-accepted or discouraged parts and drag it around behind them but it is only out of view, it is still part of our subconscious.  When we deny any part of ourselves, we disown it but what we don't really consciously acknowledge is that it will turn against us if we continue to ignore it.  The shadow can operate completely on its own, with or without your consent. This is why we say things we don't mean when we are angry, why we say one thing but our body says something else entirely, we do things we wouldn't normally do and we let this seep in to affect our relationships and friendships. Whatever you ignore in yourself will show up in someone else, it's called projection. What we ignore we will project onto others because our ego uses it as a defense mechanism. These psychological distortions will distort your reality and give us a slanted view of who we really are. You want to know yourself completely, right? Sure you do, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this right now! Kudos to you for deciding to do this work. No one likes to discuss their flaws or insecurities but it is imperative if you want to heal yourself, be honest with yourself, love yourself and also love others wholeheartedly.

You are showing up for yourself  in this beautiful confident way and loving all of yourself, leaving no stone unturned. That deserves applause. You are far more courageous than most, who are content to leave the shadow buried. You know better, you understand that burying it will only cause it to rear its head in some other area of your life. You are shining light into the darkest corners of your psyche and looking for metaphorical monsters.  

You are a warrior of the  psyche and that’s epic! This will enable you to co create your own story, where you are the hero around which the narrative collides and unfurls. You are taking charge. 

No matter whether you sit down to conquer this all in one day or in short bursts, please make sure to finish it all. Establish a rhythm and set a date to finish it. 

Lean into this work and find a rhythym that feels effective to you.

I want you to please ground yourself before you begin. Clear your mind.I find chanting the mantra OM 30x is the most helpful. I also encourage you to be rigorously honest with yourself here.

Above all, remember that the time you spend  doing shadow work is a sacred gift to yourself  but also to the people in your life – everyone you  come across benefits from your sincere dedication to your personal development. Also, it will help you grow leaps and bounds in your own work and release fears and inhibitions you have suffered with your whole life.


When doing shadow work, a big part of the  journey is recognising those issues which get you upset or anxious or even  raise your blood pressure and make you feel  crappy. Identifying those things gives you the  power to begin working at the root of them. You can work to understand where certain fears,  complexes or negative behaviours originally came  from. Comprehending their genesis leads you to  see why they hold so much power over you and in your life now and how they keep making trouble for you! Some of your shadow material came from your childhood, it does for most people. It came from your family dynamics,  the parenting and guidance that you received from adults or your relationships with siblings.  Some came from key experiences which defined your response to the world around you. This could have been a death in the family, an  accident, some shocking news, an illness or an experience of bullying or abuse. Just as many seemingly small, uneventful things may have been absorbed into your psyche at a deep level and  ended up influencing your decisions or thoughts later in life. Shadow working helps you to see where your somatic injuries and complexes got their foothold in your psyche. This allows you to see the warning signs that accompany unwanted behavior.  Arming yourself with information about those warning signs means that you can accompany yourself into the tough times and understand how to help  yourself cope. As always remember, your shadow is a part of you. Love it as you do any portion of yourself.  Before you begin,  practice gratitude and thank your shadow. This is imperative for protection and healing your shadow.

1.How judged do you tend to feel on a daily basis? Explore how  much of that perceived judgement is real and how much is  imagined.

2. Take a look at the best and most enjoyable aspect of your life right now. What is your underlying fear in that area and why?  (for example if you love being with your significant other, what fear is just below the surface when it comes to loving your significant other, maybe it might be that they will cheat on you or leave you.

3. Write about the last time you tried to manipulate a situation to your advantage and examine how you feel about that in hindsight. 

4. Describe a scenario in which you feel that competition could be healthy and productive. Then describe a scenario in which competition could be toxic and unproductive. Finally, write about your emotional response to this exercise

5. What does it feel like to have your emotions belittled or  downplayed? Be as descriptive as possible and try writing about  specific examples from your own life too. 

6. Pinpoint something that's really frustrating/upsetting you at  the moment. Then send it unconditional love.

7. Write about the last time you ran away from your responsibilities. Consider why you did that and what the results were.

8. How can you begin to give other people more space and acceptance to be themselves around you? 

9. Do you expect others to conform to your beliefs? Why do you feel you need to have them conform and what scares you the most about allowing others to have their own beliefs in that particular area. 

10. What does the term "Superiority Complex" mean to you, and why? 

11. If you could say just one thing to the person who's hurt you the most right now, what would it be and why?  

12. If you could say just one thing to the person who's hurt you the most right now, what would it be and why? 

13. What does the word "punishment'' make you think of right now and why? 

14. Write about the different ways in which people have  expressed their anger or resentment in front of you over the last few months. What do you notice about their different modes of expression for these emotions? 

15. What's the one thing you know you need to do but keep avoiding? Write it down. Then write a step-by-step description of actually doing it. Include every action which would need to be involved in order to get it done. At the end of the exercise, explore how you feel.

16. When was the last time you witnessed distinctly self destructive behaviour? This can be something you have seen in yourself or in someone else. Describe it and the emotions it brought up for you at the time.

17. What was the last cruel thing you wanted to say to someone in order to make them feel bad about themselves or their actions?  Write it down and then explore your feelings about it. 

18. Whereabouts do you currently feel isolated and how are you dealing with that emotion? 

19. What aversion could I benefit from confronting? List at least three and describe what it would be like to confront them.

20. Describe a person you have strong negative reactions to and why. Then cross their name out and write your own and ask yourself what I am feeling that is similar. Why am I feeling this?

21. What do you currently envy in someone else's life and why?  

22. What am I truly afraid of and why? Trace the origin back to where the initial fears started. (For example, if you fear death, try to recall when this fear started. Was it someone passing away, did you hear an adult speak about it, did you hear about it in a religious institution?) Write what exactly this fear does to you and how have you benefitted or been disabled by this fear?

23. Which emotion do you tend to deal with in unhelpful/destructive ways? Write about the way you usually  deal with this troublesome emotion. Then write about what your life might be like if you dealt with it differently. 

24. Close your eyes. Take 4 cleansing breaths,( in for 4 seconds, hold at the top for 4 seconds, out for 4 seconds, hold at the bottom for 4 seconds) then repeat 3 more times. Clear your mind. Envision your inner child. Go and speak to her about what she wants to tell you. Write down what she says. 

25. Write about the biggest loss you have experienced this year. 

Sixteen Practices that lead to Self Awareness

Ever wondered how some people are so self aware and don’t stress out over small things and seem to always be calm and collected? This is because they have mastered the ability of being self aware. What is self awareness? It is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motivations and desires. Here is a list of Fifteen different things that will help you become more self aware. Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. When we are self aware, we make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively. We’re less likely to lie, cheat, and steal. We are better workers who get more promotions. And we’re more-effective leaders with more-satisfied employees and more-profitable companies. Research has revealed that even though most people believe they are self-aware, self-awareness is a truly rare quality: We estimate that only 10%–15% of the people we studied actually fit the criteria.

There are two types of self awareness. The first being, internal self awareness, which is how we see ourselves and our own values, character and goals. A study of self awareness by Haley M. Woznyj at Longwood University and Phoenix Van Wagoner, Leeds School of Business found internal self-awareness is associated with higher job and relationship satisfaction, personal and social control, and happiness; it is negatively related to anxiety, stress, and depression.

The second type of self awareness is external self awareness which is understanding how other people view us, an our values, characters and goals. The research from this study showed that people who truly know how others see them are more adept to empathy and understanding others’ perspectives.

This is why it is important to focus on these principles to achieve a balance of internal self awareness, and external self awareness, which all of these characteristics on this list will help you achieve what you desire. If you are stuck and cannot seem to get to a place where you can concentrate on improving with these practices, a Clarity Card releasement reading is exactly what you need to let go of what is no longer serving you. You can book a session with myself or Kerrie here: Clarity Card Reading

You need to be ready to take charge of your life, reprogram your mind, live in peace without stress and finally to go out and get what you want in life

  1. Gratitude- Pay attention to what you are grateful for and actually tell the universe thank you daily.  Just like when you are at a server at a restaurant and you aren’t grateful for the table to come in, when it comes time for you collect the check and tip, most likely there won’t be one or it won’t be high.  Giving gratitude makes our hearts soar. 

  2. Self Esteem - love yourself first, because you certainly can’t help others unless you help yourself first. Feel confident in the beautiful soul you are.  Recognize the importance of progress not perfection and understand. Once we truly love ourselves we build confidence with further builds. Once one understands they are a loving worthy vessel for God, you will begin to understand many of these other concepts on this sheet.

  3. Neutrality- Find yourself a place of true alignment with all and with source. Try not to pass judgment on anyone else or on their situation. We don’t always know the whole story so we can simply stay neutral and kind.

  4. Control your thoughts - the monkey mind is constantly tell us nonsense and rubbish about ourselves that just isn’t true.  Through meditation and exercise you can learn to control what comes into your mind and if it is negative, leave it right there. By staying in the moment as long as possible you are quieting your mind of this endless chatter in your brain.  You also must confront your shadow in order to control your thoughts or your shadow will control you. All your fears and beliefs need to be confronted and dealt with so that you can control your thoughts and quiet your mind.  This is how psychic visions, messages etc.. work..once the mind is quiet the subconscious can be heard as can your higher self and your guides.  They way you talk to yourself is essential, the way you speak to yourself is the way you love yourself. If you want to learn how to quiet your mind and obtain knowledge from your higher self. Book an Intuitive Psychic Reading today, here.

  5. Sphere of Influence - As you expand your consciousness so will your sphere of influence expand not just in your reality but in the world.  Observe the impact of your energy on others and be cognizant of it.  Bring awareness to everything you speak and speak your truth always.  This is mean what you say and say what you mean.

  6. Overcome Fear -  Fear is the only frequency that represents physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bondage. It destroys our capacity to do the things we were put on this earth to do.All of us have the power to transmute darkness into light so if you don’t fear something in the other realms it cannot hurt you. The negative alien agenda uses fear and the fear belief that some reptilian might run off with you, but fear is what puts you on their radar to being with.We cannot bury trauma and must confront it head on. Ego causes a lot of fear based reactions. Try to stay away from letting your ego control you. 

  7. Control your emotions - The state of one’s emotions determines what kind of an experience they are having in this life.  We determine the quality of our lives, friends, relationships and experiences and it is based on controlling those emotions that will cause you problems. If you don’t confront your emotions they will fester and then keep us from doing the very thing that we love and ultimately we will impede our own spiritual growth.

  8. Forgiveness - This is a big one. In order to love yourself truly, you will have to let go of anger and resentment and forgive people for things. It is truly the best thing you can do for yourself.  Once we forgive others for their transgressions we free ourselves from those emotional cords and self sabotage. Trust me it’s a wonderful thing to forgive someone, you feel 10 pounds lighter once you do. It is a lot of weight carrying around that kind of baggage. 

  9. Confront Beliefs - Do you know who you really are? Are you living authentically? If not, then start. Confront beliefs within yourself that do not resonate as being yours and get rid of them. So often we take on the beliefs of others because we want to be cool like them or because we want to be liked and not different but you are not acting in your highest good. Humans tend to be critical beings, by beating yourself up you actually serve no one and and harm our well being. You must also cut cords from those who no longer serve you. Learn here to find out how to cut those cords of attachment

  10. Wake up every morning knowing its going to be a fantastic day. This alone will change your life.  Like i said earlier, you create your own reality. As above so below.  If you change your above (thinking) and tell yourself today is going to be a fantastic day, your consciousness will follow suit. If you wake up and think ugh I don’t even want to get up today, then your day is going to be a living hell. Using positive affirmations first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.

  11. Attention - What do you focus your attention on? Mastering your focus is essential in self awareness. Meditation, Trance and even lucid dreaming can help you focus your attention in the right way. Learning to develop your own psychic abilities an innate gifts will help you understand how to master your focus.

  12. Empathy - Empathy is being able to understand and share the feelings of another, not everyone can do this completely but I can be developed with practice. Having empathy increases leadership, teaches you to ask the right questions, boosts teamwork and much more.  Just by listening more you can develop your empathic abilities, by being around those that you have less natural sympathy with, even enemies and trying to empathize with them is very effective.

  13. Acceptance - Learn to practice acceptance and adapt to wherever you may be in your life right now and be ok with it.  Believe in a higher self and greater reason for your being here and accept yourself for the beautiful soul that you are. Once you accept something you know you can change it. It is through denying it that it festers and becomes something much bigger than it need be.

  14. Reclaiming Sovereignty or personal power-  Take responsibility for your actions and state out loud that you reclaim your person sovereignty and that no one who wishes you harm may stay.  Light some sweetgrass or sage and cleanse the place out and you will find out you feel lighter.  Be aware of congruency, make sure you are living your life in alignment with the words you speak, out loud and to yourself.  Without personal power we often become involved in toxic relationships or get involved for the wrong reasons.

  15. Practice Unity Consciousness- In the Law of One books we are to understand that all things are made of universal energy. Unity Consciousness is the understanding that you are one with everything and everyone.  It connects you deeper to the creator and  it also activates the Light of Christos.  The inner light of Christos allows you to establish yourself as a God yourself in so much that you are in alignment with the earth and all creation fully and its waves of energy cycles that will keep passing through.

  16. Sense your own energy- The ability to sense one’s own energy is an innate ability that requires a bit of practice but will help you understand your own energy levels and ultimately be able to know others energy as well. It will help you understand the condition of your energy and if you are low on vital life energy or have too much, and either can lead to an imbalance. Sensing your own energy will directly increase your awareness. Giving attention to your body and you give body energy. Because energy follows attention, your attention strengthens the energy flow in the body.This allows you to develop a powerful aura that attracts you a successful life. Through this process you can also get rid of disease and pain in your body.