Why most psychics don’t get 100% accuracy every time and why my readings have such a high percentage of accuracy

Why most psychics don’t get 100% accuracy every time and why my readings have such a high percentage of accuracy.

A psychic doesn’t get to choose the information they are given by spirit and we certainly don’t get to know why the information is the way it is.  We are simply translators of energy and information and it takes years to recognize how to read this information correctly and how to interpret the information effectively.  There are three major concepts a person must keep in mind when hiring a psychic and those are the concept of free will and the concepts of timelines.


free will or choice can throw off the whole reading if you don't look at timelines

What is the concept of free will?

First we have to look into the concept of free will. A psychic cannot affect that concept, we cannot change someone’s ability to change their mind, unless you practice dark magic which is effect using energy to affect someone’s free will but that is not what I am talking about nor is this a process I use.  The reason a psychic is not always 100% accurate is because at the time we are looking into your energy we are are seeing your energy for the way it is in that moment. 

What are timelines and why are they so important?

Now let us look at timelines. We have to understand that space and time does not exist in the way that you think it does.  Quantum Physics and the theory of non locality show there is no real separation between past, present and future and that nothing exists in space the way think of it.  If we look at decades of spiritual practice and writings from ancient tribes and other cultures we know that these tribes understood these principals long ago. The changes in the timeline are connected directly to you, your actions, and your influences.  Each of you is accountable and responsible for the changes to your timelines, for your actions, inactivity, and the myriad of small choices you make each day.   When the question you are asking affects multiple people and multiple peoples choices, we cannot account for their ability to change their mind and affect the timeline they are currently on now.  If they do change their mind, they jump to a new timeline and likely so do you if the decision affects you.  Each action or reaction you make causes these timelines to shift. You must also understand that a psychic is looking at your timeline, as you have given them permission to do so.  While you can change the timeline for yourself, you cannot do so for others but you can release past energies that inhibit your relationship with them on your timeline. 

What can you as a client do? 

Remember, our thoughts and actions create the future, it is not set in stone. The future is continuously changing and therefore timeframes and predictions can fluctuate. I always advise clients rather than focusing on timeframes and future predictions, focus on the present and what they can be doing NOW to help create the future they desire.  You need to have full faith in the psychic you have chosen. If you don’t have full faith then consult another psychic.  If you have full faith, you are more likely to take their advice on board and follow it to a T.

What about Psychics who offer 100% accurate timelines 

Indeed, it is true that accurate timelines are strong selling points for a psychic to offer, but any claims with the promise of an infallible timeline is simply false advertisement.  The very concept of Time Dilation, which is a concept that shows time moves slower for astronauts in space than it does here on earth shows that the rate at which the event the psychic is seeing is approaching can be skewed and if they don’t know about this concept they will not be able to know how to interpret it.

Why can’t all psychics get 100% accuracy on timelines?

There are psychics including myself who get information that includes timelines, but it is not my choice when and why I get them and they can always be changed because of free will and because they involve many different timelines. Another concept I believe in is the concept that no particular action can be viewed by spirit unless it already exists. So if a client asks about something they cannot see they cannot predict a timeline for it. Also, translating spiritual information is tetamount to translating a foreign language and if you aren’t at least partially fluent in that language you are not going to get that accuracy that most clients are looking for.

What are psychic predictions based on?

It is based on a combination of two things. What is happening now and your past behaviors.  Just like weather predictions, if one thing changes it all changes. This is why it is important to control your emotions and change them, change your behaviors and patterns and you can effectively change your future.  A psychic reading whether or not you believe it, is an attempt by yourself to alter the course of action.  If a psychic like myself predicts something and it doesn’t come to fruition there’s a very likely change that just by hearing what the psychic had to say even if you don’t take it on board, that you changed your course of action based on the information you got in that reading.  If something is destined to happen for you, any psychic worth their salt will be able to get information on it happening and tips on how to speed it along, but they might not be able to tell you when it will happen.

Why do Psychic Babes readings differ?

Some psychics may have the ability to see timeline information or probability information but they haven’t devised methods in which to use the data and haven’t brainstormed methods that would further allow them to get more accurate information on probability.

In some psychic readings I can dowse the probability of an event in percentage form to come to fruition and I will get a numerical value, which is why I believe my readings are so accurate, but I still have to explain that this percentage depends upon all things being the same as they are at the given point in the reading. Meaning that the timeline is given if all things stay the same as they are right now, if one person changes their mind and acts differently, it will affect that percentage.  If they involve multiple people and multiple scenarios then it becomes more complicated and I will sometimes get a low percentage because of the concept of free will and because the client will likely not take spirits advice and will do what they think is best instead of the advice I have gotten from spirit. Sometimes they will come true within that given timeline but that is usually due to the client having an open mind and taking the information given from spirit under advisement and following it.  Another tactic I use is I also ask your spirit guides, “Did this event happen in the past, present or future?”   While time doesn’t exist in the spirit world it does exist in this world where all your events in your life are taking place.  When I do give a projected timeline in a reading I always offer practical courses of action, advisable to help bring the desired outcome into existence within the given time frame. I am also a remote viewer which gives me an edge on timelines.  I can often perceive multiple timelines but this only comes with years of experience in reading timelines, having a high frequency and natural ability. The clients that come to me time and time again usually have a higher probability of projected timeline success because they have worked with me many times and seen that if they listen to the advice of spirit and follow the recommended advice their percentage of success is high.  If you do ask for a timeline, please realize that it is based on everything that has happened in your life and that of those you are calling about and preceded the consultation you are having with your Psychic.  Your psychic only reveals where things are for you. 

Why do ethics come into play? What are ethical psychic readings?

I also am an ethical psychic which means I will only give you information you are ready to hear, meaning that spirit might not give it to me or I might not deliver the information to you because it would ruin the chances of something amazing happening for you. 

If in a reading you get from me, I said something or many things that caused one or many changes in your actions, then I have done my job.  I have delivered the message you needed to hear and that information changed the outcome of your life, forever. That is my goal and that should be the goal of any legitimate psychic.

why most psychics aren't


Sixteen Practices that lead to Self Awareness

Ever wondered how some people are so self aware and don’t stress out over small things and seem to always be calm and collected? This is because they have mastered the ability of being self aware. What is self awareness? It is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motivations and desires. Here is a list of Fifteen different things that will help you become more self aware. Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. When we are self aware, we make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively. We’re less likely to lie, cheat, and steal. We are better workers who get more promotions. And we’re more-effective leaders with more-satisfied employees and more-profitable companies. Research has revealed that even though most people believe they are self-aware, self-awareness is a truly rare quality: We estimate that only 10%–15% of the people we studied actually fit the criteria.

There are two types of self awareness. The first being, internal self awareness, which is how we see ourselves and our own values, character and goals. A study of self awareness by Haley M. Woznyj at Longwood University and Phoenix Van Wagoner, Leeds School of Business found internal self-awareness is associated with higher job and relationship satisfaction, personal and social control, and happiness; it is negatively related to anxiety, stress, and depression.

The second type of self awareness is external self awareness which is understanding how other people view us, an our values, characters and goals. The research from this study showed that people who truly know how others see them are more adept to empathy and understanding others’ perspectives.

This is why it is important to focus on these principles to achieve a balance of internal self awareness, and external self awareness, which all of these characteristics on this list will help you achieve what you desire. If you are stuck and cannot seem to get to a place where you can concentrate on improving with these practices, a Clarity Card releasement reading is exactly what you need to let go of what is no longer serving you. You can book a session with myself or Kerrie here: Clarity Card Reading

You need to be ready to take charge of your life, reprogram your mind, live in peace without stress and finally to go out and get what you want in life

  1. Gratitude- Pay attention to what you are grateful for and actually tell the universe thank you daily.  Just like when you are at a server at a restaurant and you aren’t grateful for the table to come in, when it comes time for you collect the check and tip, most likely there won’t be one or it won’t be high.  Giving gratitude makes our hearts soar. 

  2. Self Esteem - love yourself first, because you certainly can’t help others unless you help yourself first. Feel confident in the beautiful soul you are.  Recognize the importance of progress not perfection and understand. Once we truly love ourselves we build confidence with further builds. Once one understands they are a loving worthy vessel for God, you will begin to understand many of these other concepts on this sheet.

  3. Neutrality- Find yourself a place of true alignment with all and with source. Try not to pass judgment on anyone else or on their situation. We don’t always know the whole story so we can simply stay neutral and kind.

  4. Control your thoughts - the monkey mind is constantly tell us nonsense and rubbish about ourselves that just isn’t true.  Through meditation and exercise you can learn to control what comes into your mind and if it is negative, leave it right there. By staying in the moment as long as possible you are quieting your mind of this endless chatter in your brain.  You also must confront your shadow in order to control your thoughts or your shadow will control you. All your fears and beliefs need to be confronted and dealt with so that you can control your thoughts and quiet your mind.  This is how psychic visions, messages etc.. work..once the mind is quiet the subconscious can be heard as can your higher self and your guides.  They way you talk to yourself is essential, the way you speak to yourself is the way you love yourself. If you want to learn how to quiet your mind and obtain knowledge from your higher self. Book an Intuitive Psychic Reading today, here.

  5. Sphere of Influence - As you expand your consciousness so will your sphere of influence expand not just in your reality but in the world.  Observe the impact of your energy on others and be cognizant of it.  Bring awareness to everything you speak and speak your truth always.  This is mean what you say and say what you mean.

  6. Overcome Fear -  Fear is the only frequency that represents physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bondage. It destroys our capacity to do the things we were put on this earth to do.All of us have the power to transmute darkness into light so if you don’t fear something in the other realms it cannot hurt you. The negative alien agenda uses fear and the fear belief that some reptilian might run off with you, but fear is what puts you on their radar to being with.We cannot bury trauma and must confront it head on. Ego causes a lot of fear based reactions. Try to stay away from letting your ego control you. 

  7. Control your emotions - The state of one’s emotions determines what kind of an experience they are having in this life.  We determine the quality of our lives, friends, relationships and experiences and it is based on controlling those emotions that will cause you problems. If you don’t confront your emotions they will fester and then keep us from doing the very thing that we love and ultimately we will impede our own spiritual growth.

  8. Forgiveness - This is a big one. In order to love yourself truly, you will have to let go of anger and resentment and forgive people for things. It is truly the best thing you can do for yourself.  Once we forgive others for their transgressions we free ourselves from those emotional cords and self sabotage. Trust me it’s a wonderful thing to forgive someone, you feel 10 pounds lighter once you do. It is a lot of weight carrying around that kind of baggage. 

  9. Confront Beliefs - Do you know who you really are? Are you living authentically? If not, then start. Confront beliefs within yourself that do not resonate as being yours and get rid of them. So often we take on the beliefs of others because we want to be cool like them or because we want to be liked and not different but you are not acting in your highest good. Humans tend to be critical beings, by beating yourself up you actually serve no one and and harm our well being. You must also cut cords from those who no longer serve you. Learn here to find out how to cut those cords of attachment

  10. Wake up every morning knowing its going to be a fantastic day. This alone will change your life.  Like i said earlier, you create your own reality. As above so below.  If you change your above (thinking) and tell yourself today is going to be a fantastic day, your consciousness will follow suit. If you wake up and think ugh I don’t even want to get up today, then your day is going to be a living hell. Using positive affirmations first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.

  11. Attention - What do you focus your attention on? Mastering your focus is essential in self awareness. Meditation, Trance and even lucid dreaming can help you focus your attention in the right way. Learning to develop your own psychic abilities an innate gifts will help you understand how to master your focus.

  12. Empathy - Empathy is being able to understand and share the feelings of another, not everyone can do this completely but I can be developed with practice. Having empathy increases leadership, teaches you to ask the right questions, boosts teamwork and much more.  Just by listening more you can develop your empathic abilities, by being around those that you have less natural sympathy with, even enemies and trying to empathize with them is very effective.

  13. Acceptance - Learn to practice acceptance and adapt to wherever you may be in your life right now and be ok with it.  Believe in a higher self and greater reason for your being here and accept yourself for the beautiful soul that you are. Once you accept something you know you can change it. It is through denying it that it festers and becomes something much bigger than it need be.

  14. Reclaiming Sovereignty or personal power-  Take responsibility for your actions and state out loud that you reclaim your person sovereignty and that no one who wishes you harm may stay.  Light some sweetgrass or sage and cleanse the place out and you will find out you feel lighter.  Be aware of congruency, make sure you are living your life in alignment with the words you speak, out loud and to yourself.  Without personal power we often become involved in toxic relationships or get involved for the wrong reasons.

  15. Practice Unity Consciousness- In the Law of One books we are to understand that all things are made of universal energy. Unity Consciousness is the understanding that you are one with everything and everyone.  It connects you deeper to the creator and  it also activates the Light of Christos.  The inner light of Christos allows you to establish yourself as a God yourself in so much that you are in alignment with the earth and all creation fully and its waves of energy cycles that will keep passing through.

  16. Sense your own energy- The ability to sense one’s own energy is an innate ability that requires a bit of practice but will help you understand your own energy levels and ultimately be able to know others energy as well. It will help you understand the condition of your energy and if you are low on vital life energy or have too much, and either can lead to an imbalance. Sensing your own energy will directly increase your awareness. Giving attention to your body and you give body energy. Because energy follows attention, your attention strengthens the energy flow in the body.This allows you to develop a powerful aura that attracts you a successful life. Through this process you can also get rid of disease and pain in your body.

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing

When I consulted Arrole, he stated the best way for me to learn about Ancestral Healing was to do one. We scheduled it on a Saturday morning at 6AM. I did this on purpose so that my daughter who is three, would still be asleep. We first started with deep breathing then we invited the ancestors in of my past. I do not work as a medium so this was the first time I saw my ancestors come in and line up like a long chain of people going back as far as I could see. They appeared to me in the astral plane some looked happy to be there others did not. He started with the crown chakra and asked me to picture a color and asked me what feelings came up. I immediately felt a lot of sadness come through and I started crying. I felt this well up in me like a wave of fear and anxiety. I felt feelings of doubt in my self worth and the healing that I do as if I was not good enough.

Reprogram your subconscious mind to get what you want

Reprogram your subconscious mind to get what you want

Go and get it. You are the only one standing in your way. Picture the best version of yourself and mirror that image. Get rid of negative thoughts and act as if you already have adopted those attitudes and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are that person. If you can even start to believe it without self doubt you will feel the transformation energy start to pick up. Hold on to that wavelength and ride it till the wheels fall off. The problem with the human body is self doubt. If you can learn to unlearn those programs you will beat life at its own game. Don’t kid yourself it is a game.

How to heal heartbreak with the chakras

How to heal heartbreak with the chakras


Mind and body health and wellness, focuses on attuning yourself to your chakra systems and be aware of their corresponding energy centers.If you are sensitive to energy and you have some knowledge about your psychic senses, this is something you probably have not considered. This isn’t just your everyday chakra balancing article. For those who have suffered a heartbreak or a relationship has ended, this is for you. A broken heart causes more than just all encompassing sadness. It can lead to issues with your immune system, diabetes and more. Emotionally, one’s heart shuts down which will block their ability to give or receive love, this also includes one’s love of self. This causes a number of problems for the chakra system and energy centers.  What does this do to the heart chakra? A heartbreak or loss causes the heart chakra to close and blocks the flow of positive energy from the spirit. This causes blocks to build up and these energetic blocks need to be cleared out or they can manifest into physical problems like heart attack or cancer. 

The heart chakra or Anahata, corresponds to the back, ribs, lungs, thymus, and of course, the heart. A Heart chakra imbalance can cause depression, a lack of empathy, and an inability to give and receive love. Closing oneself off is a defense mechanism used after one has been hurt but doing this causes one to close themselves off from good things as well. When you think about the breakup or the loss it’s helpful to gauge where the pain is coming from. For most people, they are going to feel it in their gut or in the stomach. This is why when someone goes through a heartbreak or breakup they describe the feeling of loneliness coming from the sacral chakra or the stomach. If you take a moment to think about the last breakup you have gone through, you might notice that you feel an emptiness in your stomach.

This is the physical symptom of blockage to the solar plexus chakra or Manipura. This is the third of seven chakras and it governs personal power, ego, self-esteem and personality. Having pain in the Solar plexus chakra is related to the ability to know oneself and be aware of their interests (worry, sentimentality, feeling sorry for oneself, anxiety, low self-esteem and self-worth). So when one feels pain in the solar plexus chakra, this is often a physical sign that they need some good ole fashioned self love. Other signs of a blocked solar plexus chakra are 

  • Ulcers

  • Poor digestion, gas, nausea

  • Hypoglycemia

  • Diabetes

  • Asthma and other respiratory problems

  • Arthritis

  • Organ problems, especially in the liver and kidneys

  • Nerve pain and fibromyalgia

  • Difficulty gaining or losing weight

The solar plexus is the place where the Power chakra and the Heart Chakra intertwine.  This is also the center of intuition, thus why people describe getting a “gut feeling” about things. When the heart is open and free it radiates a feeling of happiness. When the heart is closed and the flow between the heart and solar plexus is not harmonious, the radiated feelings contain pain, vulnerability and sometimes also bitterness. They feel the pain when something that they expect does not happen, which leads to frustration and the feeling of rejection. Pain can reach so far that the bitterness starts appearing. This bitterness is a very destructive emotions, especially when it’s allowed to develop over many years.  Stored inside the solar plexus chakra are connections or heart threads to those people that they have loved and cared about so it makes sense that this would be where you would feel a loss.  

The problem with storing this pain in your sacral chakra is that it is often very hard to process through it since it is the main source of self.  Likely other negatively spoken phrases someone might be telling themselves will get entwined with it and cause the imbalance even further. Phrases such as “I’m not good enough” and “I’ll never find true love” and “no one will ever love me” are phrases that one needs to get out of their vocabulary. Your heart chakra will keep you balanced allowing your connection with spirit but also keeping you grounded here on earth. Since your heart chakra is what will really keep you in balance with spirit, doesn’t it make sense to move the pain you feel from a loss up from your solar plexus chakra to your heart chakra? We think so. 

Let me explain. Your heart is the sacred healing portal and the divine portal to access higher healing energies.  The heart chakra actually does most of the healing and healing the heart chakra will keep you balanced on all levels (emotional, mental and physical).  When we get stuck and create energy blocks following a heartbreak, we disrupt this natural flow of energy and the way energy moves. We get stuck when we start to place blame on others and be unforgiving, don’t accept things as they are, stop feeling love and compassion for everyone, even those who have hurt us.  The heart chakra is associated with the element air or breath, so it is important to breath and do breath work to engage this chakra appropriately. Key ingredients to a healthy heart chakra include, yoga meditation and breathing exercises, among many other things. It is helpful to notice where you feel a certain emotion, in what chakra exactly as it can help in healing that chakra’s energy. For this exercise specifically notice first an emotion that appears in the heart chakra and one that appears in the solar plexus chakra and practice going back and forth between those emotions moving the energy up and down your chakras.  Next, you will want to take the pain you feel from a heartbreak and just like you moved back and forth between emotions use that same emotion but associate it with the heartbreak to bring the pain up and move it up to your heart chakra. With enough practice this will feel like second nature and when you get stuck in an emotion you can simply move it up to the heart space where it can heal faster.  

There are many other ways to effectively keep your chakras healthy and open that range from reiki to yoga and meditation and more.  Figure out a consistent practice that will work for you and can consistently keep your chakras aligned, but remember going through a painful situation will likely cause some imbalances.  Progress, not perfection.

Who Are the Moon Children?

Who Are the Moon Children?

A Psychic Told Me

A Psychic Told Me

Words I constantly hear that oftentimes make me cringe. Why? Because the psychic in question was completely full of crap. The thing is when you are a real psychic it’s very easy to spot the crap advice and guidance given by fraudulent psychics. Giving vague claims that can be pretty much used to describe someone at one given time in their lives is a dead giveaway. Beware of psychics who aren’t able or willing to back up their claims. Moreover, I think a healthy reading won’t give you definitive answers but it will give you options and allow you to use this as a guidance tool to pick what is best suited to your situation and will have the best outcome for you.

How to Sense Your Energy

How to Sense Your Energy

What’s important is to simply become aware of what your energy feels like to you..

The best way to start is by creating an anchor for your mind to hook onto. First,

Spirit Keeping or Spirit Companionship

Spirit Keeping or Spirit Companionship

Keeping Spirits is the act of keeping once living entities or spirits as companions or friends that are typically kept and bound to a vessel or yourself. Before everyone has a fit, No, this is not spiritual slavery for the most part.  I’m sure there are sellers who do bind spirits against their will but ethical sellers do not bind any spirits against their will. People often find it hard to fathom spirits being bound not being slavery. Spirit keeping these days is a mutually beneficial arrangement

How to Develop Your Innate Psychic Abilities

How to Develop Your Innate Psychic Abilities

If you wish to develop your innate psychic abilities you only need to look within. All the answers are within our own scope of attainment, but so often we look to outer sources to complete our development and this is not the case with psychic abilities.  Psi abilities are no longer wide speculation, but rather serious scientific areas that are being looked and studied by Quantum Physicists, Mathematicians, Psychology and many other disciplines.

If you plan to embark down this path here are a few different ways that you haven’t heard before to get you started on your journey to this beautiful thing called intuition.

Summer Solstice’s approach and how to use it to grow spiritually

Summer Solstice’s approach and how to use it to grow spiritually

A solstice happens at the same time for all of us. The sun has a very large significance to us both spiritually and physiologically. It is both helping us evolve spiritually as well as helping the human body run efficiently. The sun has a spiritual significance since the dawn of existence and many have documented this significance based on ancient texts and ancient structures erected to notify the people of  the changing of seasons. Ancient societies did not have calendars to track the seasons so these structures could have been built to signify the end of one season or solstice and the beginning of a new. 

The Secret Behind the Secret - Why Can't You Manifest Your Desires?

The Secret Behind the Secret - Why Can't You Manifest Your Desires?

The law of attraction or bringing things to you isn’t based on will it is based on love. You are barking up the wrong tree if you think you will bring things into your life just by willing them to be so and wanting it with all your might. You must actually begin to resonate with love first and then you can begin to manifest things but they must be things that will raise your vibration and frequency equal to what you have already attained. These desires cannot come from a place of wanting or a lack of those particular things.

When You Fall In Love With an Awakened Woman

When You Fall In Love With an Awakened Woman

Loving an awakened woman is a journey of self discovery that will forever change who you are and what you think. It is not a journey that should be ventured into lightly.