New Quantum Jumping Technique - Parallel Melding

I have discussed the idea of Quantum Jumping in this blog before but in this article we will get into a similar concept but with a slight variation. Instead of using mirrors or two cups you will simply use your imagination and a quiet mind. There is one other variation, in this type of Quantum Jumping you aren't going to take over the you in the parallel dimension you are simply going to meld with it. This allows you to continue on this timeline with the knowledge or ability to make changes to the you in this dimension. This way there is no chance you will change things so much that you aren't happy with the results. In the previous method I outlined how to essentially go to the place (even though there isn't such a place it is just a version of this world) where the you there has accomplished what you wish to accomplish, and you switch places essentially. There are a few flaws with that method. First, you can accidentally change something you didn't want to change just by jumping. The reason is, you cannot assume everything in that timeline is exactly like your life. That version of you was living out their own life which could be similar or very different from your own. It depends on what you are asking for. If you are looking to glean riches, the you that is wealthy would be living a very different life and probably have attracted very different people into your life as well. So it is not always possible to retain everything just as you would like it to be, until now! Secondly, because you were jumping to another dimension, you won't always remember that you made a jump and things can get very confusing. Thirdly, there is no need for mirrors or cups, here you will simply use your consciousness and trust to meet your parallel self and absorb their knowledge or success to meld the two timelines.

Magick exists naturally in the universe. If you understand the theory of the multiverse you will know that there is an infinite number of universes out there and not all of them follow the same laws of physics and such as we have here. Some are more advanced and have technologies that are far superior to the ones we currently use, while others are simply more developed consciously. If you understand the concept of inflation you know that the big bang happened and out of a singularity came practically infinite number of universes. Inflation means rapid expansion. Once inflation starts it will never stop, so this means the number of universes that exist, is in fact infinite. If you can wrap your head around that concept, you can understand there is a parallel you that exists at varying levels at the same time. The many worlds theory states that an electron doesn't just change places, it essentially makes copies of itself. The world branches into copies — one where the electron was here and you saw it here, another copy where the electron was there and you saw it there, and so forth. This is not just some crazy speculation, this is exactly what is predicted by the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation. So if the human body is made up of electrons, why can't this theory prove true in human beings? Now, many Quantum Physics professors would probably tell you different parts of the quantum wave function count as separate worlds. Once they come into existence, they go their own way. They don't interact with one another and they do their own thing totally separate from one another, hence they don't influence one another in any way. That is true, but that doesn't mean they cannot meet one another if the intention is there! So how do we seek out this parallel self? Let's say you want to learn to play the piano. In quantum jumping you can in fact jump to a you that is the Beethoven of their time on the piano. The possibilities are endless. You can use this to achieve money, talent, wisdom, resolve problems, get a job or a raise, bring an ex back, repel evil, gain protection, find your life purpose or whatever it may be that you would like to achieve. Again, as I have said before make sure this is something you truly want.

  1. Sage, say prayer of intention and protection (this can be whatever your normal ritual is but just make sure you are in a good head space and have cleansed your area of any negative debris that might alter things in a negative way)

  2. Sit alone where you will be undisturbed for at least 30 minutes

  3. Think of the problem you want to resolve

  4. State the intention to meet your parallel self that has resolved this issue or mastered something

  5. Sit with your eyes closed and calm your mind

  6. Picture a hallway with doors - each of the doorways represents a parallel life

  7. Go into the door that you are most drawn to - the scenery may likely change which is fine just make sure you walk through and close the door (just a precaution so nothing can follow)

  8. Find your parallel self and say hello and speak to them. Ask them how they have acquired the skills they have and find out whether or not they have information to impart or is it just something that will be gleaned when you absorb their power? How do they look, are they older or younger, what are they wearing?

  9. Picture yourself melding and becoming one with that parallel you as you absorb their energy

  10. Open your eyes - If you have done this correctly, you will now know how to acquire the information or you will have already have the knowledge.

This works, I assure you. The only way it won't work is if you don't believe it can. There are no real dangers or unforeseen consequences that I have observed besides your own state of mind. Make sure you are in a positive headspace and confident with what you want. The results will be very apparent when you are.

How to decalcify your pineal gland

Also known as the 3rd eye, the pineal gland is a small gland located in the brain whose energy is an integral part of your overall spiritual health. It taps into the greater energy that exists around us, opening our minds to the powers of the Universe. In doing so, it aligns us with this energy improving our own health. However, when you don’t properly care for your health and well-being, the pineal gland can be hindered or become calcified. This includes poor sleep quality, depression, and anxiety.

  1. Zeolite

    Toxins are found everywhere. From the air you breathe to the food you eat. Over time, these toxins build up in your body and wreak havoc on your health.

    Never-ending fatigue, brain fog, a weak immune system, and countless health issues are common side effects when these toxins build up. That’s why it’s essential to cleanse your body from toxins.

    a. Fortunately, zeolite is the Jedi master of detoxification. All thanks to its unique honeycomb-like crystalline structure.

    You see, each chamber within zeolite’s honeycomb-like structure has a negative charge. This negative charge attracts positively charged toxins like lead, mercury, or nitrosamines (1).

    In many ways, it’s like a magnet for toxins. So, when you take a properly cleansed zeolite supplement, it travels through your body trapping toxins in its “magnetized” honeycomb cage.

    And since your body doesn’t store zeolite, your body just excretes it once it’s bound to a toxin. That’s why zeolite is exceptionally effective at removing built-up toxins in your body.

    b. Alkalizes the Body

    Another well-known benefit of zeolite is its ability to help the body balance pH by providing alkalizing minerals AND supporting kidney function.

    Many foods (think white bread, rice, or any processed foods) are acid-forming in the body, while most green veggies are alkalizing to the body. Alcohol, pesticides, pollution, and even chronic stress also add to acidity.

    An overly acidic body shows signs of strain such as headaches, chronic inflammation, mood disorders, persistent fatigue, and much more.

    Alkalizing minerals help to buffer acid in the body. In a properly-cleansed zeolite, the alkalizing minerals calcium, potassium, and magnesium are inside the honeycomb cages. The zeolite cage gives the body the beneficial mineral and takes the bad toxin in exchange.

    The biggest role zeolite plays in alkalizing the body relates to how it helps the kidneys. Your kidneys maintain your internal pH. Yet many heavy metals impair kidney function (2).

    Since zeolite can help your body get rid of heavy metals, it supports optimal kidney health, so your kidneys can efficiently balance your body’s pH.

    c. Strengthens the Immune System

    Evidence suggests that the zeolite clinoptilolite can also bolster and regulate your immune system.

    This zeolite has specifically been shown to increase T-cell activity and increase the number of macrophages in the body—two cells essential for a healthy immune function.

    But the immune benefits don’t end there. Heavy metals can suppress your immune system, making your body vulnerable to pathogens and prone to autoimmune issues.

    This means zeolite can both increase the effectiveness of your immune system while simultaneously protecting it from heavy metals.

    d. Supports a Healthy Gut

    A leaky gut occurs when the lining of your intestinal wall has an increased permeability. This allows unwanted toxins and microbes to leak from your intestines into the bloodstream.

    The result is a weakened immune system, excessive fatigue, autoimmune issues, skin rashes, depression, and intense cravings for sugar or carbohydrates.

    And these symptoms only get worse over time if your leaky gut isn’t healed. The positive news is, evidence suggests that zeolite can support a healthy gut.

    One study found that just 12 weeks of zeolite supplementation can significantly increase the integrity of the intestinal wall

    e. May Improve Mood

    When heavy metals such as lead and mercury accumulate in your body, they can also negatively affect your mood.

    One study, for example, found that the mercury from amalgam dental fillings can result in depression, excessive anger, and problems with anxiety

    Many times, these issues are dismissed as resulting from “a stressful life” or a chemical imbalance instead of heavy metals. That’s because many signs of heavy metal accumulation are vague and can be mistaken for something else.

    Life can be stressful enough without heavy metals bringing you down. By helping to reduce the build-up of heavy metals, zeolites can support a positive mood.

    f. Protects the Body from Harmful Microbes

    Along with improving your immune health, zeolite is a powerful antimicrobial. This means it can fight potentially harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

    In fact, zeolites are so effective that they have been used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) and dental plaque formations. Both of which are caused by pathogenic microbes.

    Another study found that zeolite has antiviral properties due to its potential ability to absorb viral particles within the zeolite cages.

    Studies even suggest zeolite can reduce pathogenic bacteria. What makes zeolite even better is that it doesn’t have a negative effect on the beneficial microbes in your gut.

    What contains these heavy metals?

    • Food (pesticides, herbicides, chemical additives)

    • The air you breathe (pollutants)

    • Household items (couches, chairs, beds, paint, keys)

    • Water (a common source of heavy metals)

    The problem is, since there are so many ways you can get exposed to toxins, they build up in the body over time. That’s when even bigger problems arise.

    Even in small amounts, these toxins can impair memory, negatively affect your gut health, plummet your energy levels, and make it hard to lose weight.

    While it’s definitely a good idea to avoid toxins as best you can, it’s downright impossible to avoid them all. That’s why cleansing these toxins from your body is essential. It also decalcifies your pineal gland!


Shilajit is a blackish-brownish resin rich in minerals that comes from layers of rock in several mountain ranges throughout the world, including the Himalayan, Tibetan, and Altai mountains. Shilajit is thought to form, in part, from the decomposition of certain plants and contains an important compound known as fulvic acid. One of many herbal mineral formulations (Rasaoushadhies) used in Ayurveda—a healing system that originated thousands of years ago in India—shilajit has been used in some traditional herbal medicine to treat a wide variety of conditions, ranging from bone fractures to impotence. Shilajit is available in dietary supplement form. The supplement is  a natural remedy for the following health problems:

  • Anemia

  • Chronic pain

  • Diabetes

  • Digestive disorders

  • Eczema

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Ulcerative colitis

  • Prevent Alzheimers

  • Prevent bone density loss

  • Alleviate anxiety and oxidative stress

  • Give you energy and prevent chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Naturally boost your mitochondrial function

  • Naturally protects against free radicals and cellular damage which slows down aging process overall better health

Shilajit is said to strengthen bones and protect against osteoporosis. Some proponents also claim that shilajit can act as an adaptogen, a class of substances said to boost the body's resistance to free radicals


a. Promoting thyroid health

Iodine plays a vital role in thyroid health. Your thyroid gland, which is located at the base of the front of your neck, helps regulate hormone production. These hormones control your metabolism, heart health, and more.To make thyroid hormones, your thyroid takes up iodine in small amounts. Without iodine, thyroid hormone production can decrease. A “low” or underactive thyroid gland can lead to a condition called hypothyroidism.Given the wide availability of iodine in western diets, thyroid health isn’t typically impacted by low iodine levels in the United States. You can get enough iodine from your diet by eating dairy products, fortified foods, and salt water fish. Iodine is also available in plant foods that grow in naturally iodine-rich soil. You also can get the mineral by seasoning your food with iodized salt.

While iodine promotes overall thyroid health, too much iodine can have a negative effect on the thyroid gland. That’s why you shouldn’t take iodine supplements without your doctor’s recommendation.

b. Reducing risk for some goiters

c. Managing overactive thyroid gland

d. Treating thyroid cancer

Radioiodine may also be a possible treatment option for thyroid cancer. It works in much the same way as hyperthyroid treatment. When you take radioactive iodine orally, the medication destroys thyroid cells, including cancerous ones. It may be used as a treatment following thyroid surgery to make sure all cancerous cells have been removed from the body. According to the American Cancer Society, radioactive iodine treatments significantly improve the chances of survival for people with thyroid cancer.

e. Improving cognitive function

f. May help treat fibrocystic breast disease

It’s possible that iodine supplements or medications can help treat fibrocystic breast disease. This non-cancerous condition is most common in women of reproductive age, and it can cause painful breast lumps. Although there is some promise that iodine might help with fibrocystic breast cysts, you shouldn’t attempt self-treatment. Only take iodine for this condition if your doctor specifically recommends it. Otherwise, you could be at risk of side effects from iodine toxicity.

g. Disinfecting water

Iodine is just one method of water disinfection. This may be especially helpful if you don’t have access to potable water due to traveling or effects from a natural disaster. Two percent liquid iodine tincture may be added to water in five-drop increments per one quart of clear water. If the water is cloudy, add ten drops per quart. Iodine tablets may also be used, but the instructions can vary by manufacturer. Despite the role iodine can play in disinfecting drinking water, there’s also some concerns that it can increase total iodine intake in humans and lead to adverse health effects. Total iodine intake shouldn’t exceed 2 mg per day

h. Protection from nuclear fallout

In the case of nuclear emergencies, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of potassium iodide (KI) to protect the thyroid gland from radiation injuries. These are available in tablet and liquid formulas. While not completely foolproof, the sooner KI is taken, the better the thyroid is thought to be protected in the event of this kind of emergency. There are serious risks associated with KI, including gastrointestinal upset, inflammation, and allergic reaction. You’re also at increased risk for thyroid disease. Your risk for complications is higher if you already have thyroid disease.

i. Treating infections

Iodine can be used topically in a liquid form to help treat and prevent infections. It works by killing bacteria in and around mild cuts and scrapes.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency can only be diagnosed via urine tests.

The symptoms of low iodine levels are primarily detected through thyroid symptoms, such as:

  • a visible goiter

  • thyroid gland that’s painful or tender to the touch

  • breathing difficulties, especially when lying down

  • difficulty swallowing

  • fatigue

  • extreme feelings of coldness, despite normal temperatures

  • hair loss

  • depression

  • brain fog

  • unintentional weight gain

4. Irish Sea Moss

Eating chlorophyll rich ‘superfoods like blue-green algae and Irish Sea moss will help decalcify your pineal gland. It's a bit like vegetables but Irish sea moss is a more potent healers. It also

Ehances thyroid function 

Reduces joint pain

Decalcifies your pineal

Supports immune system and fights infection

Supports heart health

Helps control appetite

Provides 92 out of 102 essential minerals required by the body

Contains taurine essential amino acid

Promotes mental and emotional well being

Natural decongestant

Soothes digestive tract

Supports sexual health because of red algae

5. Get a good water filtration system or invest in a pitcher that gets rid of heavy metals and fluoride. Clearly Filtered water pitcher filters out fluoride and forever chemicals and has been independently tested to remove fluoride, lead and PFAS/PFOA (the "forever chemicals") and over 230 unique contaminants commonly found in tap water all across the country. Fluoride is known to calcify the pineal gland so this is an important investment in your pineal gland health. Those Brita filters everyone thinks are all the rave aren't actually getting rid of any of these chemicals. The filter pitcher is made with 100% BPA-free Tritan that's approved for contact with water and will never leach chemicals.

Nurse Warns Stay away from vaccinated people


I've been saying this for a long time, the whole vaccine agenda is just that, an agenda. Depopulation. I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all but I have the discernment to ask questions when I think I am not being told the truth and I have gotten many downloads regarding this particular issue. Now we are starting to see proof. If you haven't heard of the Doctors speaking out about this look around the internet, obviously google is banning these types of things from coming up but use a different browser such as duck duck go. The message here is this: ASK QUESTIONS. If something doesn't resonate with you, please educate yourselves and listen to your intuition. Most of us living on this planet do not listen to that small still voice inside off us because it is too scary or we have been programmed not to. Meditate, quiet your mind and ask spirit for the truth.

The Amazing Power of Shungite


What is Shungite?

Shungite is a scarce, unique mineral that is immensely powerful. For those who have worked with it, you know its potential goes beyond anything mankind can comprehend. Shungite has been around since the pre cambarin age which is approximately 2.5 billion years.  Shungite originates from the Republic of Karelia in Russia, it has been used there since the 17th century by Peter the Great as a form of medicine that purifies and cleanses the water.  We now know its energy goes much deeper and purifies not only water but blood brining the body back to its pristine cellular level.  This is the level we as humans are intended to operate on but darker forces have intervened and taken much of our innate energy to turn us into subservient beings.  Shungite is  made of C60 fullerene  - which is 60 carbon like atoms that are in the shape of  a soccer ball. It is a sub nano particle it effortlessly moves through cell membranes and enters the mitochondria. The c60 is 172 times stronger than any antioxidant and naturally reduces inflammation.  This is considered the “Powehouse"of antioxadants , antihistamine and antiviral agent. In early 2020 a blue meteorite exploded directly over the 800 square miles of the Shungite deposit that had arrived 2.5 billion years ago carrying a carbon composite that left nuggets, rocks, boulders and compact areas 200-400 feet deep. What are the odds of two meteorites hitting exactly the same location? This coincidental event was surrounded by other synchronicities that lead to the conclusion a new energy has been integrated into the World Grid.  We believe this energy has the power to raise the collective vibration enough to change the trajectory we are currently on and uplift humanity as a whole. The power of this stone lies in its ability to restructure our DNA and allows us to reconnect to our  gifts that have been taken from us in an attempt to control and dominate.  

Shungite is a stone that will uplift you but will also point out your deepest flaws. It is not a stone to be used lightly. If you are seeking absolute truth and want real change in your life that goes deeper than you have gone before this is a stone you should look to. It is not for the faint of heart, buyer beware. If you ask however it will not disappoint. This is a stone that should be used with reverence and respect as it holds the key to decades of knowledge and truth. It is a stone that compares spiritually to Moldavite, these two in my opinion are the most powerful stones that appear on earth today.

If you are ready to be honest with yourself this is a stone you should add to your collection. Understand however, it will not be "just one of your crystals". If you allow it to it will change your world in every way possible. It will take you point of being the most fundamentally aware you have ever been and it will offer you clear awareness of how you got there. Don't misunderstand it does this with absolute love but it does not do it gently. It will bring about spiritual growth at a very rapid rate. Make sure you are ready for the truth.

If you are looking for a reputable place to purchase your Shungite, this is the only place I buy any of my Shungite.

Are you psychically blocked? Check these common pitfalls to get your intuition back on point!

Everyone suffers from psychic blocks.

Even the best psychics suffer from this malady from time to time if we aren’t heeding our own advice.

We are spiritual beings who are having physical experiences. People are born in a psychically open state as unblocked, pure, high-vibration beings. Children, therefore, are by nature innocent and open-minded, allowing them to easily connect to their intuition. As we grow and mature however, we are often subjected to the negative programming that happens here on earth.

What would happen if you washed your car once when you first got it then never washed it again, or if you never serviced it such as changing the oil or having the tires rotated? The car would be covered with layers of dirt and grime and would function poorly if not soon totally break down. That dirt and grime is a metaphor for the psychic blocks that occur throughout time if you don’t properly take care of your intuition.

It prevents us from accessing our intuition and over time we won’t even remember it exists and thereby forget how to use it altogether.

We live in a world that is inherently imperfect and we encounter situations that will stir up emotions, cause us to feel negatively about ourselves and others and often cause us fear, doubt, uncertainty, anger and mistrust and all those things become a thick oil that has not been changed for years and will lead to your car or in this situation your intuition to break down and not perform as it should. Psychic abilities are not something you learn once and you forever have it. Just like your metaphorical car, it must be cleaned and serviced (exercised) in order to perform optimally.

So how do we clean and service our psyche and our intuition?

By clearing out the blocks or metaphysical dirt and grime and you do that by looking at the ways it gets blocked such as these:

  1. If you have ignored or refused your abilities - it’s like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets. It’s something that should be exercised daily through meditation, energy work, exercises such as using Zener cards

  2. You don’t know or remember what it looks, feels or sounds like- intuition is generally emotionless and feels like a kick to the gut or starts as a buzzing in the ears. Often when clients first come to me they are having this kind of ringing in the ears which most people dismiss as tinnitus - but it is also associated with intuitive messages trying to come through from your guides. My very good friend kept having seizures and right before they were happening she felt like some kind of important message was coming through. Now, her seizures were being treated by a physician but they couldn’t find any reason for them happening. So I asked her to concentrate on meditating and clearing her mind daily and low and behold psychic messages started coming through and her seizures dissipated immensely. I believe her body had such a traumatic fight or flight response to those messages and she didn’t know how to let them come through so her body physically seized. I’m not a doctor but I firmly believe there is a psychic component to a lot of things we avoid that manifest physically.

  3. You are not dealing with your own crap- if you aren’t addressing your own problems and clearing out your emotional baggage you are going to have blocks or when you’re trying to read someone else your own stuff will come through as theirs, which as you can imagine could be a big problem if you are someone who reads others for a living. You also have to make sure your body is fine tuned for your intuition. Meaning, your chakras have to be balanced, you have to do your emotional clearing every day, you have to make sure you’re grounded and you also need to make sure you’re not running anyone else’s energy along with your own.

  4. You haven’t turned the monkey mind off- you aren’t meditating and clearing your the chatter from your mind. If we aren’t clearing our minds from the constant noise in the background how can we expect for any intuitive messages to come through? There is a lot of noise coming from our own thoughts and fears and also from the collective that can severely impaired and impede your intuition. Without daily meditation and preferably twice daily you won’t be able to calm and shut out this chatter.

  5. You aren’t dealing with your shadow - Shadow frequencies block our pathway into the light, but they serve as the doorway to it. Each time we are faced with a difficult challenge, conflict, or decision, we are in the presence of a dense vibrational energy. It is important to look at how we want to respond in these moments. We can attempt to learn from these situations by going toward the light which will transmute that dense energy changing it into higher-vibration energy. Alternatively, one can remain entrapped by the challenge and not look at the challenge and live with the pain.

  6. Make sure you aren’t suffering from some kind of attachment or spirit that is blocking your abilities- While I want to make it abundantly clear this is never something someone should jump to. This is only something one needs to worry about if they are actively using their intuition on a daily basis, involved in the occult, engaging in divination with a Ouija board without proper knowledge of knowing how to use it, doing spell work or psychic readings on others without some element of protection, doing unconscious channeling, suffering from any kind of addiction that will allow an entity to enter or doing any kind of Magick without effective use of protection. These energies, attachments or leeches can distort your thinking and distort your physiology in your body. It is extremely important if you meet these criteria and feel that you have some kind of attachment that you get it removed from this earth and have it destroyed by someone who does this for a living- routinely. If you need a reference please email me. It is also imperative that you check their credentials before you undergo any kind of spirit removal.

  7. Cutting back on social media or any other programming that can come through television or the radio.

  8. Putting too much emphasis on what others think and getting rid of situations that cause anxiety- if you aren’t confident in your own skin you will need others to validate your choices and you won’t be able to get authentic information. Also if you are constantly playing catch up in your life, you are going to be anxious which will impede messages coming through. If you have a bill that you know needs to be paid, don’t put it off until it’s past due or you will just add anxiety until you deal with it. Same goes for any kind of deadline. Do your work ahead of time so you don’t have to have that deadline looming over your head.

    This is a pretty comprehensive list of psychic blocks but there will always be outliers. The only way to know for sure if you can’t figure it out for yourself is to consult a professional. A good psychic such as myself can often tell you what is blocking you because we will see this negative energy looming right in front of you like a darkness.

Shine Your Light! Be the hope for Humanity!

I don’t often speak about prophetic things because somehow people will find a way to ignore it, swipe it under the pillow or to flat out challenge my sanity. I’m cool with all of that but for the folks who are actually listening - we are in the end times. Cataclysmic events have befallen earth many times before and they will happen again. In our lifetime? Maybe. That isn’t really my point though. This isn’t a doomsday rant it’s simply a warning to check yourself. How are you living? Are you speaking your truth? Are you truly happy? Are you open minded or dismissive of others? Are you speaking up about the lies we have been fed or are you just waiting for others to initiate it before you follow suit? The one thing I’ve learned about raising my daughter is this generation of children are bold, inquisitive and they are leaders. Beyond my generation of starseeds this generation are the seeds of a new beginning. If we water them, give them positive energy, speak to them about the truth, lift them up and nurture them they will turn this place right around. Do we need to wait for their cue? I don’t think so. There are enough of us who actively know the truth but most of us can’t handle it so we battle addictions, drown our sorrows and hide in wait until someone prompts us to come forward. What are we waiting for? If the whole pandemic wasn’t enough to show you that we are sitting ducks unless we stand tall and let our freak flag fly so to speak then I’m not sure this post is for you. These are end times for some people but it doesn’t have to be. What do I mean exactly? If you have this nagging suspicion that something is just not right with things start asking questions. Don’t accept the status quo. Don’t accept that you are a sheep among wolves. We are all wolves given the right circumstances. Stand up and take back your sovereignty. Don’t let others get walked on and walk by as though you didn’t notice. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth because you might look crazy to others. Shit is Crazy Right now folks! This is the craziest it’s been. So If something doesn’t jive with you start asking why and question everything. Only truth will set Us all free. We are not slaves, we are not meant to live in fear. We can either wait around for our children to do it for us or we can do it ourselves. My vote is on our generation. There are enough of us here who know there is a better way and live happy, healthy lives no matter what sort of chaos is going on externally. We refuse to internalize any of it. I live in a state of eternal peace and optimism. I’m not some airy fairy head in the clouds type of woman either, I am just a grounded beacon of light that refuses to let anyone cast their darkness onto my path. This isn’t naive either it is just a place I choose to live in so that I can do the job I came to earth to do. Shine my light so bright others will notice and will seek the answers for themselves. When you live in this space it is easy to manifest your desires and it is easy to be at peace because the monkey mind is turned off and the chatter doesn’t break through my shielding. It has taken me 43 years to get here but it doesn’t have to take you that long. I didn’t know there was a better way. There is though and don’t take my word for it start speaking truth and questioning everything. Start meditating daily and twice daily. Things will turn around so much quicker for you in months if you just put in a little work. Stand tall and don’t be afraid to be different or weird. Be someone who won’t just take orders without asking why. Ask those hard questions and ask them often, then meditate on them. I promise you will get the truth. Weirdness will then ensue but it will be a epic weirdness that you cannot turn your back on. Humanity will follow all of our leads so stand up now and let’s lead those not in the know to a better existence. Let’s be the leaders that do it right. Let’s be the leaders who fear nothing. This is who you were born to be!

Is the Randonautica App changing our timelines as we speak?

The information below should shock you, wake you up and get you to start asking questions about everything being brought into your life. I think on the surface this might read like a science fiction novel that an app would be able to change the events in our timeline but that is exactly what appears to be happening with the Randonautica Application you can buy on Apple or Google. It is the number one Role Playing game in the Apple Store.

What started as an open-source experiment on GitHub, has now become a full-blown app that has to lead to some very unsettling Randonauting Excursions.  

The Randonautica App was developed by two Russian scientists and a mysterious team of individuals no one has much information on. From my research into the history behind the app, the author of Cyberpunk states "Everything began on Reddit when u/unitiveconsciousness, or, as he is known in the community, “Comrade,” stumbled upon a weird potential technology just waiting to be polished — a technology he christened Fatum. Yes, dear readers, he stumbled onto this amazing discovery. According to Comrade, he “found it” rather than “made it” — it was given, "not produced”, says CYBERPUNK. A quantum physics experiment turned GAME, that allows users to experience what the Randonautica Website calls “The world’s first quantumly generated choose your own adventure reality game” that was developed by two Russian Scientists, “stumbled upon” by someone who only goes by the name Comrade and has now landed splat on the front page news due to some Seattle teenagers manifesting a dead body in a suitcase through the app over the weekend.

A further examination of their Wiki page on Reddit shows unmistakable proof of a concept they created to demonstrate the existence of what is called The Simulation Theory. The Simulation Theory is a theory that states that we are all living in an artificial simulation and likely a computer simulation. show you beyond a shadow of a doubt the fact that we are all living in a simulation. One method to test one type of simulation hypothesis was proposed in 2012 in a joint paper by physicists Silas R. Beane from the University of Bonn (now at the University of Washington, Seattle), and Zohreh Davoudi and Martin J. Savage from the University of Washington, Seattle and none of the events I will mention to follow are random.

What does the Randonautica app do? It uses a random number generator that can do one of two things. 

1. "Point out imperceivable points on a map that are essentially blind spots that we always go around without any reason suggesting you have never been there and probably do not even know that this place exists. "We call such places Blind-Spots.” says their Wiki page on Reddit. they further explain on their Wiki that " Generating random numbers with random number generation techniques (RNG), converting those numbers into coordinates on the surface of the earth, and then visiting the location in real life. It is essentially a real-world adventure generator that allows participants to explore Mind-Matter interactions, the theorized ability for the mind to interact with certain RNG techniques, as well as Blind-Spots, places in the world that lie outside our causal patterns of experience." The app encourages users to set a personal intention before visiting a location, in the hopes of uncovering 'synchronicities,' coincidences, or occurrences outside usual patterns of experience," according to the WIRED.

2. Create a mind driven anomalies. "This is summarized by the creators as being described to be "assuming that the participant’s thoughts can affect the quantum RNG in a way that is meaningful to them, we designed an experiment in the context of Randonauting: Just as in the previous experiment, a point is generated on the map to be visited, but the principle of generation is completely different now”.

Now let’s get ready and follow me down the proverbial rabbit hole quite a bit deeper now. What does this app purport to do? Their logo is an owl, which is a reference to the owls of eternity which is a term used by Dimension Jumpers. I fact I spoke about the owls years ago in the Dimension Jumping sub-Reddit. It suggests you can overlay something into someone’s experience, in effect create a screen over the experience so that some of the people will experience a pervading underlying theme, thus seeing the owls will be likely by at least some of the participants. Well, who exactly is Randonautica? The thing is we don’t know, but Nick Hinton, was the PR front man for Randonautica and is coincidentally one of the only two people trackable and he is no longer on their team and can’t be questioned about the app. Nick recently interviewed on Coast to Coast Radio and states very matter of factly, “Human Consciousness can impact Random Number Generators”. 

The despair meme is a term used by a Ted Talk participant, David Emerald to describe the following when a simple and highly stressful hostility agonist is introduced. For people that watch highly stressful news, this is a pattern being fed to them with an increase in adrenaline thereby causing them to feel the need to pass it on. The creators of Randonautica themselves speak about the despair meme in detail on this post on Reddit and were entirely aware of the potential for negative outcomes. They state "However, there is also a negative scenario, when thinking about the unknown, the participant’s imagination does not draw attractive prospects, but frightening threats. In such cases, there may be an obsessive anxious, a feeling that being in this place is dangerous and that reality seems to be looking at you with hostility. Sometimes people generally can abandon the very idea of an experiment, or even become angry about it, as they immediately come up with many potential threats. This phenomenon is explained by the presence of a pattern that we call Despair-meme”. They further state that "to reduce the effect of Despair-meme, it is enough to understand its nature and try not to succumb to it, then over time the brain will learn to filter out groundless fears. There are also techniques, such as facial interpretation bias modification". This suggests they knew there were inherent dangers in letting fears play into our intentions and that they didn’t disclose any of those in the app.

If you recall there was a dead body in a suitcase found using the app over the weekend. These teenagers using the app set their intention to experience “travel" and during this experiment found a dead body in a suitcase at the coordinates the app provided them. This is a classic example of a despair meme at play. Later a press release confirmed by police they had found several dead bodies in suitcases on Alki beach in Seattle. The video has already been viewed more than 15,900,000 times on TikTok and has 3,400,000 likes from other users says Lucy Middleton, a writer for Metro News in London. On the Randonautica web page is a link to a company called Presley Media. In an even more bizarre twist, Presley Media features a fake human head in a suitcase in a video they posted on Facebook in August of last year. It seems pretty coincidental that the first big news posted about the app also contains dead bodies in a black suitcase.  

On the subreddit called Randonautica, One user, who had her child aborted in the past, said she picked "babies" as her intention when she received the coordinates to a local industrial park. When she arrived at the location she found a sign that read "NO Dumping" and an infant-body sized suitcase. This would be another classic example of the despair meme at work

One user manifested “death" and at the same time, her mom told her that her cousin on life support had just died.

Given my experience with something called dimension jumping, it's very similar to the protocols I used Dimension Jumping minus the random number generator and mapped Quantum points on an app. I believe the same thing is possible using your mind and a few mirrors and a candle. I think it is creating more universal, attainable results for the average person that lacks sufficient understanding of what they are doing. This factor of a despair meme being the cause for things more sinister in our minds that we can’t think about is something dimension jumpers have had to grapple with and discussed openly on their forum. For example, if I ask you not to think about a pink elephant, what would you think about?  

What does the random number generator have to do with Dimension Jumping or Randonauting as a whole? The Random Number Generator was developed, I believe to introduce the Ganzfield Method into this field of research. By reducing outside noise and introducing true randomness the Randonautica app does seem to be generating consistent results in what we affectionately call “Dimension Jumping”. 

What we consider reality and consciousness seems to be not purely based on the physical brain. It seems that what we deem an experience is a combination of matter and consciousness. This interaction between them creates a kind of framework, which I believe helps explain the psi evidence. "It suggests that a non-local proto-conscious field of potential or seed stuff underlies both matter and consciousness”, says Mantakchia. This potential occurs regardless of distance and the amount of information required. I think the Physicist Hal Putoff was spot on in pointing out that “the zero point field pervades the universe, including the inside of neurons, so quantum mechanics is happening everywhere in the brain.” According to quantum theory, one quality of subatomic particles is ‘non-locality.’ Thus, with zero-point as the underlying mechanism acting on quantum physics and entities. This causes one entity to directly be able to affect the others—it means that every part of the universe can be in touch with every other part instantaneously. These scientists believe that Zero Point is the all-pervasive state throughout the universe. I think that we and all the matter of the universe are interconnected to the furthest reaches of the cosmos via the Zero Point Field waves of dimensions. These waves contain energy and information. Being able to interact with this zero-point energy is, in my belief, a sheer act of will. This zero-point seems to allude to the explanation for Randonautica and Dimension Jumping.

There are many personal stories and user experiences I could tell you but they wouldn’t convince you of anything. This app backs up these claims and has provided a worst-case scenario of what we don’t want to happen, happening. The debatable question is whether external determinism can influence the course of the experiment in question or the users' intent and I think this app is proving to have very real data to extrapolate from.

The Randonautica app, as opposed to the Open source project that was taken down, does not attempt to explain any of the inherent dangers in allowing children and teenagers to participate in the most kids and teens, for the most part, do not understand the concepts behind the multi-verse and lack sufficient understanding of consequences to be able to navigate this field without parental supervision. There can be serious consequences in decision making without sufficient knowledge and understanding and that is in effect what Is being done here. They are asking the app to manifest things like death and creepiness to show themselves which is possible to see if you seek that out while jumping dimensions but it has a permanent effect as you draw that experience into your timeline. Let me give you an example. Let’s say I am a 16 kid and I want to experience something "creepy." I use the app to manifest "creepy" and I put myself in a situation where the universe understands creepy to be being alone with a rapist in the middle of the night and I get raped. While that situation wasn’t previously a timeline that I would’ve chosen willingly it’s bringing that into my life and thinks I want it. What I didn’t know is- that I was essentially inviting that experience into my life via the app. I was just playing what I thought was a game and the universe was just giving me exactly what I asked for. Similarly, manifestation works the same way, but most kids wouldn’t seek out a rape experience willingly because they know that it is inherently an experience that comes with severe trauma and irreversible consequences. It appears that the Randonautica open source project also experimented with adding overlays to the experiment, using the owls of eternity example I described above which they discuss further on their Wiki Page stating "It has also been found that IDAs lead to the discovery of expected artifacts, regardless of who expects them. There were cases when participants found what other participants were talking about at that moment in the chat. The most complete test of this hypothesis was the so-called "OWL-Experiment" in which the system administrator of the server put a certain unnamed object on top of it, and then for two weeks measured the frequency of its mention in the participants' reports. The first such item was an owl figurine, in two weeks after its installation, the number of reports about owl figurines increased sharply. Similar experiments were also carried out with a piece of meteorite, which resulted in at least 4 reports of UFO sightings.” 

If the administrator is already adding overlays to this project it seems particularly likely they have added a suitcase to the overlay in this situation bringing about the particularly unusual reporting of a suitcase in at least four different people’s situations that were completely unrelated.

I believe nothing is random and the universe will give us what we ask for. Let us point out this app comes with no disclaimer and is also being marketed to teens. Kids don’t always make the best decisions in understanding what is in their best interest. According to the Randonauts Wiki page, they explain Blind Spots as "No matter what choices you make, and no matter how many variations on how your day may pass, there are always some places where you simply cannot be, because none of the chains of your decisions leads there. Such places may be somewhere nearby. On your street there may be a lane in which you will never think to look and you do not even know about its existence. What could be hiding in such blind spots? And what could be hiding in places where no one looks at all?" Given the fact that most of us spend our whole lives learning to be awake, responsible and empathetic individuals, I don’t think to send kids down these inherent blind spots in their decision making as who knows what one might find there, irrespective of the thing you think you have set your intention to. Most humans cannot truly concentrate their attention on something without any given number of distractions. This singular focus requires training and knowledge of what the focused intent is for. There is no disclaimer on the website or the app store and it does not warn of the potential dangers of attempting such action. The biggest problem here is consent. When you are an adult, one hopes you ask the right questions before you give consent to something. Consent is required in every single choice we make. Children and teenagers often look to their parents, family, and society to determine their level of consent and therefore don’t make good test subjects. Furthermore, what else is the Randonauts Application not showing us?

Let us examine a study known as The Global Consciousness Project, a parapsychology experiment begun in 1998 as an attempt to detect possible interactions of "global consciousness" with physical systems and extrapolation of two decades of experiments from the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR). "PEAR employed electronic random event generators (REGs) to explore the ability of test subjects to use psychokinesis to influence the random output distribution of these devices to conform to their pre-recorded intentions to produce higher numbers, lower numbers, or nominal baselines."

As their experiment shows, test subjects' intention can cause randomness distribution to significantly deviate from average waited values. Let us refer back to their Wiki on the old Reddit once again wherein the summary they state "The use of attractor-points related to these fluctuations can be a real creation of a portal to a parallel world and the Fatum project is not just a way to create new probability-tunnels, but a way to travel through the multiverse. After such a probabilistic shift, something in the reality surrounding us can change retrocausally. Perhaps some small detail or an event of the past will be overwritten, which causes the so-called Mandela Effect. It is recommended to avoid the effects of despair-memes during the Planeshifting, as they can cause negative expectations and move you to dangerous timelines.” 

This is the part I suggest you pay close attention to. I think that none of this was an experiment anymore. It is evident they knew exactly what the effect would be and might be playing with people’s experiences to show you one of two things. 1. That it could be done, which dimension jumpers already know but largely something the general public has been unaware of 2. To change and alter our timelines.

If this is the case I guess the question we should be asking is what was the purpose behind their intention?


  1. Beane, Silas; Zohreh Davoudi; Martin J. Savage (9 November 2012). "Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation". arXiv:1210.1847Bibcode:2014EPJA...50..148Bdoi:10.1140/epja/i2014-14148-0Lay summary – The Physics arXiv Blog (October 10, 2012).

  2. "Detectives Investigating After Human Remains Found in West Seattle. (2020). Retrieved 24 June 2020, from

  3. Emerald, D. (2020). the despair-meme : randonauts. Retrieved 23 June 2020, from

  4. First Try...disturbing : randonauts. (2020). Retrieved 24 June 2020, from

  5. Hinton, N. (2020). Randonauting / Open Lines [Podcast]. Retrieved 24 June 2020, from

  6. I manifested death...... : randonauts. (2020). Retrieved 22 June 2020, from

  7. If you've got travel plans coming up, you wont want to miss out on these packing tips from our dude, Derek. CC Stefaney. (2020). Retrieved 24 June 2020, from

  8. Parker, A. (2020). Ganzfeld | Psi Encyclopedia. Retrieved 24 June 2020, from

  9. Magno, Emannuel. "Everything began on Reddit when u/unitiveconsciousness, or, as he is known in the community, “Comrade,” stumbled upon a weird potential technology just waiting to be polished — a technology he christened Fatum. Yes, dear readers, he stumbled onto this amazing discovery. According to Comrade, he “found it” rather than “made it” — it was given, "not produced”, Cyberpunk Blog

  10. Noosphere. (2020). Princeton.Retrieved 24 June 2020, from

  11. Kiley, Rachel. (2020, June 22). TikTok teens say they found suitcase filled with human remains while using Randonautica app. Daily Dot.

  12. "You're living in a computer simulation, and math proves it"Gizmodo. Retrieved 23 June 2020.

  13. Randonauts, LLC. (2020). (Version 1.0.6). Apple iOS [Mobile application software]. Retrieved from

  14. The World’s First Quantumly Generated Choose Your Own Adventure Game"Randonautica. (2020). Retrieved from

  15. Theory - Randonauts. (2019).

  16. Walker, J. (2020). ‘Randonauts’ have found a great way to spice up lockdown walks. Retrieved 24 June 2020, Wired. from

  17. Zero Point Field and Non-Locality - Mantak Chia. (2020). Retrieved 24 June 2020, from

Crystal Healing by Disorder


  1. Sodalite - calms the mind and eases panic attacks.

  2. Howlite- I tried this back in 2015 for a client in her 30’s that could not get over her debilitating anxiety.. I told her to put Howlite under her pillow for a month and she was a whole different person.  She had ambition and drive and again.

  3. Raw Amazonite - Helps to lower anxiety and stress levels to create balance and positivity.

  4. Lepidolite -This is one of the most effective crystals for anxiety. It naturally contains lithium in it!!

  5. Aragonite - Star clusters facilitate the release of negative energy , anger and anxiety and fear from the body.

  6. Amethyst Point - If you need to relax and reduce stress, the point will help you release emotions that aren’t serving you. Powerful absorber of negative energy.

  7. Labradorite - Purifies your aura, shed’s light on any dark situation. 

  8. Black Tourmaline - It helps pull out unwanted energies by acting between a barrier between you and whatever the negativity is.

  9. Sugalite- is a stone of perspective. It allows you to step out of the stress of the moment and to connect with the realm of eternity

  10. Kunzite-is a beautiful stone that looks like pink ice. Deeply healing to the heart on both physical and emotional levels, kunzite helps bolster courage and nourish vitality. It relieves stress and anxiety by reminding us of what is really important and bringing us back into harmony with ourselves.

  11. Chrysoprase - Like so many crystals that help with stress and anxiety, this stone works at the level of the heart. This is an especially powerful crystal for transforming negative thinking about money, finances, or success. It lifts thought vibrations to assist one in feeling wealthy, healthy, and victorious. It helps remind us to take breaks, and to remember that relaxation actually helps us to be at our best: mentally, physically, and emotionally. Additionally, chrysoprase helps soothe and heal the gastrointestinal tract. So if your stress and anxiety are accompanied by digestive upsets of any kind, chrysoprase would be a good stress relieving crystal for you.

  12. Danburite- This is a wonderfully ethereal and angelic crystal. It relieves chronic stress and anxiety by attuning us to the celestial realm, lightening us up, and awakening us to magic and miracles.

  13. Peridot - Peridot is ideal for discharging emotional issues that affect the physical body. Place it over the Solar Plexus to relax and release nervous tension, known as “butterflies,” as well as to alleviate fear and guilt, anxiety or impatience. Place Peridot over the Heart Chakra to relieve heaviness of heart, empower forgiveness, or alleviate destructive jealousy or self-doubt caused by betrayal in past

  14. Jet stones -have been used since ancient times for protection and to facilitate the release of negative emotions, which include grief, stress, anxiety, anger, fear and even depression. They work similar to an energetic filter, protecting you from outside influences and helping to dispel negative energies within your mind, body and spirit. This is why it is one of the best healing stones for those experiencing an overabundance of negative energies and emotions.

  15. Turquoise - Turquoise colored crystals specifically help us balance, bring calmness, emotional control, relaxation, serenity, stability, help you deal with stress, and overcome anxiety. They are nature made aids for panic. One of the most powerful turquoise colored stone you can get is Turquoise itself.

  16. Lapis Lazouli -Metaphysical properties of Lapis Lazuli includes relief from stress, anxiety and panic attacks. It is said to also be a very calming stone and helps with self confidence. It can help to bring the anxiety trigger to the surface by giving insight and clarity to the root issue for healing.

  17. Fluorite - Fluorite is one of the best Crystals for Anxiety and Stress Relief because it neutralizes energies.

  18. Citrine - is known to help with Anxiety, Stress, and Depression because it attracts joy, love, peace, enthusiasm, and self-love

  19. Desert Rose- It’s been used for centuries protection and wellbeing. It helps you build emotion strength and confidence. So, it’s particularly great for those moments when you feel emotionally or physically weak, which is something we can all relate to when anxiety spikes. Desert Rose helps you overcome the storm, while discouraging negative moods and and triggers associated with your panic attacks.

  20. Mangano Calcite - The past is often the culprit of many panic attacks. Mangano Calcite is a great stone that helps you overcome those emotional triggers that have stemmed from trauma. It induces serenity and peace within your mind, body and spirit, while also erasing feelings of guilt, shame and anxiety.

  21. 21.Moonstone- Moonstone is a powerful healing crystal for panic attacks as it stabilizes emotions and emotional triggers that cause an overreaction to situations which leads to heightened anxiety. In addition to calming those triggers, it gives you deep emotional healing that is often key to managing anxiety.


  1. Vesuvianite- Vesuvianite brings us closer to the higher realms and provides an easier link to our sense of higher self.  It facilitates the seeing and the understanding of things on this earth that have no substance.  Psychologically, Vesuvianite (Idocrase) releases feelings of imprisonment and restraint, dissolves anger and alleviates fear and negativity.  It helps to create a sense of inner security, opens the mind and stimulates inventiveness and the urge to discover, linking into creativity.  Vesuvianite banishes depression and clears negative thought patterns so that the mind can function more clearly.

  2. Red Coral -stimulates the energetic pursuit of pre-determined goals.  It protects from depression and despondency.  Treats hiccups, colic and heartburn.  Aids in the release of impurities from the muscular system.  Red Coral treats disorders of the kidneys, bladder and parathyroid.

  3. Yellow Apetite - Yellow Apatite activates the solar plexus chakra.  It is a great eliminator of toxins and draws off stagnant energy.  Yellow Apatite treats depression and lethargy and can overcome a lack of concentration and inefficient learning.  It aids poor digestion and helps to remove cellulite, treats the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and spleen.  Emotionally, it neutralizes stored anger.

  4. Ametrine -calms the mind by clearing stress and tension from the head.  Balances and soothes emotions and relieves depression.

  5. Sunstone - Sunstone is a great mood lifter.It will infuse your emotional body with a lighter energy, leading to a more positive outlook.

Aids Eyesight

  1. Border Opal -In addition to the generic properties of Opal, Boulder Opal aids inner beauty and faithfulness.  It helps recall past lives, enhances mental clarity, emotional security, physical well-being, and spiritual progression.Boulder Opal aids eyesight.

  2. Aquamarine -is helpful to sore throats, swollen glands and thyroid problems.  It regulates hormones and growth.  Boosts the immune system and alleviates overreactions, such as hayfever or allergies.  Counteracts short- or long-sightedness.

  3. Almadine - Stimulates the eyes and strengthens proper functioning of the body cells.

  4. Pink Opal - Pink Opal is a stone of love and gentleness, bringing energies of gentle love and kindness to all types of relationships. Physically, it is helpful for eyesight, heart disease and injury, Parkinson's disease, lungs, and spleen. It is also helpful for diabetes and hypoglycemia.

  5. Tiger Eye treats eyes, throat and reproductive organs, releases toxins, alleviates pain and is helpful in repairing broken bones and strengthening the alignment of the spinal column.

  6. Emerald-Our eyes are very susceptible to UV rays. Emerald is the best crystal that helps relieve the stress from our eyes all the while it protects them from the sun and the dry air. Carrying an emerald with you while going out in the sun will provide you protection from the harmful UV rays.

  7. Lapis Lazuli: This crystal is used in treating general eye problems such as pain, soreness, watery eyes, dry eye syndrome and itching. Lapis Lazuli aids in cellular restructuring which can actually cures these problems. It also removes stress and fatigue from your eyes by increasing the blood circulation in them. The best way to use Lapis Lazuli for healing your eyes is to meditate by placing the stone on your Third Eye Chakra.

  8. Adventurine- This is an excellent stone for improving eyesight. If this stone is held on the eyelids, it can help in aiding the vision dramatically. It helps in repairing the muscles of your eyes, thereby strengthening them.

 Heals Malignancy

  1. Prehnite heals the kidneys and bladder, thymus gland, shoulders, chest and lungs.  It treats gout and blood disorders.  Prehnite repairs the connective tissue in the body and can stabilize malignancy.

  2. Clear Quartz ~ A Master Healer. Will amplify the energy and thoughts, as well as the properties of other crystals.  Heals and energizes the body, and anywhere it is directed.  A stone of clarity that dispels negative energy of all kinds. Helps neutralize background radiation as well as petrochemical emanations. Cleanses and enhances organs organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser. Aids in concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Harmonizes all the chakras. Purifying. Harmonizes and balances environment. Represents new beginnings and fresh energies.


Heals Teeth

  1. Apatite aids in the absorption of calcium, helping cartilage, bones and teeth; healing bones and encouraging the formation of new cells.  It improves arthritis and joint problems.  Apatite can successfully help in suppressing hunger and raising the metabolic rate, encouraging healthy eating.  It heals the glands, meridians, organs and overcomes hypertension. 

  2. Onyx- beneficial for healing teeth

  3. Magnesite - Magnesite aids in the absorption of magnesium in the body.  It purifies and detoxifies the cells and assists in the treatment of convulsions by acting as a muscle relaxant.  This stone can help to neutralize body odor, and treats PMS, stomach, intestinal, and vascular cramps, as well as the pain from gallbladder and kidney stones.  Magnesite treats bone and teeth disorders and can be used to both stimulate and soothe the heart and associated arteries.  It regulates body temperature, lessening fevers and chills.


  1. Amethyst- The Amethyst is actually a master crystal. In fact, this crystal has the ability to heal, relax, and to relieve stress, and a lot more. The Amethyst crystal is even one of those crystals which are most commonly recommended for sleeping. It will allow us to enjoy and relax during our everyday life. We should merely place the crystal on our forehead and then relax.

  2. Turquoise- This is a beautiful crystal which is best for the ones that deal with some emotional problems which cause them migraines and headaches. With the help of this crystal, we will have the ability to express our emotions and feelings.

  3. Lapis Lazuli- The Lapis Lazuli is an amazing blue crystal that is considered to be the most efficient pain reliever. It works with the most stubborn migraines. We should simply place this stone on our forehead and then close our eyes.

  4. Citrine- This is another frequently used crystal. It is beautiful quartz colored yellow, which holds the Sun’s positive energies. It will fill us with happiness, optimism, hope, and joy. Moreover, it is excellent for headaches.

  5. Rose Quartz- Rose quartz is a good crystal to use for headaches caused by the menstrual cycle, tension or hormonal imbalances.

  6. Selenite -Selenite’s beautiful calming nature is just what you need when you've got a headache.It has a powerful ethereal quality that quickly unblocks stagnant energy, leaving you with a calmer mind and a sense of peace and serenity.By promoting a positive energy flow, selenite relieves the exhaustion and fatigue that can be linked to migraines.Headaches also tend to cause the upper chakras to close. Selenite re-opens them, which could ease pain.

  7. Magnetite - Magnetite, as the name suggest, is naturally magnetic. It can both attract and repel energies, as it has a powerful positive and negative polarity. It works through your energy meridians and aura, so it can be used to divert, enhance or calm energies.If you’ve a headache or migraine, magnetite is said to contain the power to draw it out of you!

  8. Emerald - Emerald has the ability to remove stress and anxiety from your mind. It's one of the best healing stones for headaches. Migraine is usually promoted by stress and anxiety and because this stone has nerve relaxing powers you can use emerald as a preventive measure against migraine.

  9. Clear Quartz- Quartz is a really powerful crystal when it comes to healing physical ailments. It a great crystal for headaches. It's strong vibrational frequency can resonate with your internal state thereby instantly cleansing your mind and removing the pain

  10. Lime Oolite - Headaches are caused by a variety of different problems, one of these problems is a sinus infection. Any problems regarding the sinus can easily start a headache or migraine. Lime Oolite is a great crystal for sinus headaches as it is known for healing sinus related problems.

  11. Dolomite - Dolomite is a beautiful crystal. It's considered as a stress relieving stone, its powerful aura helps eliminate attacks from the external harmful electromagnetic radiation. This radiation is known for being the cause of several types of headaches, including migraines.

  12. Dumortierite - It is an amazing crystal for migraine since it can help reduce the pain during a migraine attack. Other than that this crystal can also help you take life lightly, by doing so it stops you from overthinking things, thus reducing the chances of getting a migraine in the first place.

  13. Jet – This amazing stone is highly protective. Jet has the amazing ability to channel nature’s healing energy wherever it is needed. This magical stone is popular for its properties of retaining energy in itself. And the energy ever retained in it will be very hard to remove. Which makes old jet crystals more powerful and valuable. This stone is great for healing migraines because of its calming abilities. Jet helps us to alleviate pain from any part of our body.

  14. Ametrine -Ametrine is a very soothing stone, believed to be valuable for those with chronic, long-term diseases. The Amethyst part of Ametrine is thought to help one experience Divine Guidance, while the Citrine aspect allows for this guidance to be assimilated into one's life. Many people se of for head and migraine issues.Many people use Ametrine for stress-relief, and as such, it is optimally placed in areas where one would need it the most, i.e. in one's office or cubicle, in the car, in a pocket, or wherever you find yourself under stress. 

  15. Iolite- Iolite is a vision stone.  It clears thought forms, opening intuition.  Aids in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction.  Helps you to express your true self, free from the expectations of others.  Iolite releases discord within relationships.  It encourages taking responsibility for yourself, overcoming codependency within your partnership.Iolite creates a strong constitution, ridding the body of fatty deposits.  It diminishes the effect of alcohol and supports detoxification and regeneration of the liver.  Treats malaria and fevers, and kills bacteria.  Iolite aids the pituitary, sinuses and respiratory system.  Alleviates migraines

Adrenal Insufficiency

  1. Adventurine - heals the adrenals

  2. Kyanite - heals the adrenals

  3. Bloodstone - Bloodstone purifies and fortifies the blood.  It detoxifies the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder.  Bloodstone regulates and supports blood flow and aids in the circulation.  It reduces pus formation, neutralizes toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system, healing inflammations and infections. Bloodstone is also helpful in healing blood related cancers such as leukemia.

  4. Aquamarine is helpful to sore throats, swollen glands and thyroid problems.  It regulates hormones and growth.  Boosts the immune system and alleviates overreactions, such as hayfever or allergies.  Counteracts short- or long-sightedness.

  5. Angelite - process, stimulates healing, and opens psychic channeling. Angelite supports the throat, alleviating inflammation and balancing the thyroid and the parathyroids.  It repairs tissue and corrects blood deficiencies and helps to renew blood vessels.  Angelite balances the fluids within the physical body, and can act as a diuretic.  It is useful in weight control, and relates particularly to the lungs and arms.  Angelite can be used for headaches, heart function, the circulatory system and infectious diseases.  At a subtle level, Angelite balances the physical body with the etheric realms.


Muscle Pain/Back Pain

  1. Azurite - Arthritis, Asthma, Hip Pain, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain and Thyroid

  2. Chrysocolla- is soothing and calming in times of stress, and brings about gentle release. Chrysocolla is used most often with the Throat Chakra, where it helps with wise communication, but can also be used to balance and strengthen the Heart Chakra, helping one to learn how to live from the truth of the Heart.Chrysocolla is a powerful stone because it can align all chakras with the divine, and can be used with the Heart or Solar Plexus Chakras as well. Chrysocolla gently draws off negative energies of all kinds, and can help to calm the emotions and bring understanding to discordant relationships. Metaphysically, Chrysocolla has been used with the Third-Eye to bring visions and knowledge of the sublime into conscious awareness. Physically, Chrysocolla can help heal ailments of the lungs, back, and stomach.

  3. Sunstone - helps with overall pain

  4. Smokey Quartz - Muscle cramps are the specialty of Smokey Quartz, however, Smokey Quartz also heals chronic upper back pain. If you wake up with a cramped back every morning, Smokey Quartz can transform your inner peace. For corporate workers who tend to work in a crouched or sitting posture throughout the day, back pain is inevitable. Excellent for healing undue tension in the back as well as the head.

  5. Black Tourmaline -helps remove energetic blocks by absorbing the negativity in our own and the surrounding energy fields. This crystal is like a sponge for negativity and leaves us feeling lighter and more optimistic. Black tourmaline has been used specifically to reduce muscular and spine-related pain. Plus, if your exposure to electronics is particularly high due to your work or lifestyle, black tourmaline also helps clear electromagnetic frequencies that can cause muscular pain.

  6. Malachite- The crystal helps transform your energy and elevates your frequency. Many crystal healers advise people to use this who suffer from chronic ailments because it’s said to remove impurities and toxins. It helps you build life force energy (prana) and can help you see more clearly what is not needed in your life that may be causing chronic pain. Malachite is also known to help your immune system, reduce PMS symptoms, and lower blood pressure. It’s good for arthritis and many other diseases.

  7. Blue Kyanite- Blue kyanite helps to protect your energetic aura from negative energies that may be affecting your physical health. This beautiful light blue crystal is probably best known for conducting healing energy and it can be placed on the area that is in pain during meditation to ease energetic knots creating discomfort; this is why many refer to blue kyanite as ‘the healer’s stone.’ It works to balance your energy so that if chakra is blocked, your energy can begin to flow and your pain can dissipate. This powerful balancing crystal does not absorb negative energy, so it doesn’t need to be cleansed.

  8. Rose Quartz- Rose quartz can help your thyroid (associated also with the heart chakra), which regulates hormones. This pretty pink crystal improves heart health and can help loosen knots of anger that may be causing physical pain in the body. Often if anger doesn’t have an outlet or isn’t recognized, it will be translated subconsciously into physical pain in a weak point of the body, such as in a former injury. The healing of rose quartz starts on an emotional and energetic level, but can certainly help reduce symptoms of chronic pain because of its ability to help us overcome trauma.

  9. Black Obsidian - Obsidian aids the digestion and detoxifies.  It reduces arthritis pain, joint problems and cramps.  Warms the extremities.

  10. Selenite- Known for having the highest energetic frequency of all the crystals, selenite is another self-cleansing crystal that doesn’t absorb negative energy. It’s frequently used to keep the spine in alignment after back injuries. Selenite purifies its surrounding environment of electromagnetic frequencies that can strain your physical health by generating negative ions that balance your energy field. This crystal is great for removing energetic blockages in your body, thereby reducing muscle soreness or pain.

  11. Howlite- If you have hypertension, high stress, or anxiety that could be the source of your chronic pain, howlite is known to have almost sedative effects, calming the mind and the body. Howlite soothes your nerves by removing energetic toxins from your environment and allows for deeper, more restorative sleep. If you feel pain in your neck, shoulders, and back from muscle tension, howlite can loosen your muscles up and help your connective tissue relax.

  12. Magnetite- Magnetite is anti-inflammatory, relieves muscle aches and pains, and is beneficial for asthma, blood and the circulatory system, skin, and hair.  It stimulates sluggish organs and sedates overactive ones.  Magnetite provides healing energy necessary for recovery.

  13. Carnelian - Carnelian treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression.  It regulates the kidneys, and accelerates healing in bones and ligaments.  Improves vitamin and mineral absorption and ensures good blood supply to organs and tissues.

  14. Dendritic Agate -resonates with blood vessels and nerves.  It heals the nervous system and conditions such as neuralgia.  Treats skeletal disorders.  Reverses capillary degeneration and stimulates the circulatory system.  Provides pain relief.

  15. Aragonite - brings warmth to the extremities.  It combats deficiencies in Vitamins A and D.  Aragonite combats disease and can stop night twitches and muscle spasms.  It also helps with general aches and pains.

  16. Ametrine - Ametrine calms the mind by clearing stress and tension from the head.  Balances and soothes emotions and relieves depression.

  17. Shungite- Shungite powder is known to treat oedema (accumulation of fluid), disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Apply Shungite paste on rash and other skin problems such as acne and see results within a few days.

  18. Angelite - Transmutes pain and disorder into whole and healing. Can also help you communicate with the Angelic realm.


Addiction Disorders

  1. Iolite - Iolite is a vision stone.  It clears thought forms, opening intuition.  Aids in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction.  Helps you to express your true self, free from the expectations of others.  Iolite releases discord within relationships.  It encourages taking responsibility for yourself, overcoming codependency within your partnership. Iolite creates a strong constitution, ridding the body of fatty deposits.  It diminishes the effect of alcohol and supports detoxification and regeneration of the liver.  Treats malaria and fevers, and kills bacteria.  Iolite aids the pituitary, sinuses and respiratory system.  Alleviates migraines

  2. Botswana Agate - Botswana Agate is beneficial to smokers and those wanting to quit smoking.  It helps you to look for solutions rather than dwelling on problems.  Helps to explore unknown territory and your own creativity.  Botswana Agate aids in seeing the bigger picture.  Releases repression.  It helps the body to assimilate oxygen.  

  3. Topaz -aids digestion and combats eating disorders, such as  anorexia and bulimia.  It fortifies the nerves and stimulates the metabolism.

  4. Euclase -is a rare stone that stimulates spiritual energy and amplifies the energies of the mind. It connects one’s heart with their intuition and embraces happiness and influences serendipity. It connects to the Heart, Throat, and Third Eye Chakras, and stimulates the Throat, Heart and Crown Chakras. Euclase helps one to quit unhealthy patterns and to focus on new energy. It opens one up to a heart-centered awareness and helps one speak truth with clarity and honesty. It helps transform negative, dense energies and thought patterns to clear one’s energy fields and one’s environment.

  5. Tiger Eye - Alcohol Addiction

  6. Hematite - Great for withdrawals

  7. Arfvedsonite- helps you to see things from both sides and to reconcile difficulties. Opening the Crown chakra, it stimulates journeying and assists energetic downloads. helpful for transitions of all kinds, this is a stone of birth, death, and rebirth. At a mental level, it de-energizes and reconstructs habitual patterns. Arfvedsonite assists well-being by removing energy blockages in the physical or subtle bodies 

  8. Dragon stone - Dragon Stone stimulates kundalini rise, activating the chakras and creativity on all levels. It activates Dragon energy, the earth’s kundalini, assisting earth healing and bringing order out of chaos. It enhances fertility and puts meridians back on line. Helpful in past life healing where ancient abuse blocks sexual response. Placed on minor chakras located in the knees, Dragon Stone helps you be more centered and grounded on earth.

  9. Shungite- Shungite is a natural mineral with extremely powerful healing and grounding properties. It is known to boost the immune system as well as curing, purifying, normalizing, and protecting the body and its energy sequence. It induces recovery and promotes growth in living organisms. Known for its ability to ground out harmful electromagnetic radiation (as found in cell phones, computers, televisions and microwaves), by causing the subtle fields in the environment to become more bio compatible. It is also a great stone for pain relief.  One of the few stones on the planet that contains almost the entire periodic table in its chemistry. Absorbs and eliminates everything that imposes a hazard to life, but restores all that is beneficial. A catalyst for positive change and growth, Acts on our energetic body as a concentrator and an activator; transforming in real time the impact of left torsion fields. Acts as a super conductor and absorbs light, making it a powerful grounder, cleanser, transformer and healing crystal. This is one of my favorite stones and I use it daily. It has almost become like a sentient being to me, I feel like I know it so well. You will find if you bring it to the ocean it absorbs the qualities of the element of water and can be useful to calm an angry or anxious mind.



  1. Unakite is a stone of vision.  It balances emotions with spirituality.  Unakite provides grounding when needed.  It facilitates rebirthing, gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth.Unakite supports convalescence and recovery from major illness.  It treats the reproductive system and stimulates healthy pregnancies while facilitating the health of the unborn.  Unakite enhances weight gain, where required and aids the growth of skin tissue and hair.

  2. Rhodonite- relieves insect bites and can reduce scarring.  It aids bone growth and the hearing organs.  Rhodonite stimulates fertility.  It treats emphysema, auto-immune diseases and stomach ulcers.  Eases inflammation of joints and arthritis.

  3. Jade assists fertility and childbirth.  Jade balances bodily fluids.

The difference between 3rd, 4th and 5 densities

We have been 3rd density beings for quite some time, even though, it is by far the shortest duration within the development of consciousness.  In 3rd density we develop a self-consciousness. We are conscious of the self as a separate being in relation to the larger whole.  We often don't realize there is anything outside this singular self we call ourselves  Unfortunately, here is where duality and contrasting views are most prevalent.  "I am this, you are that." In 3rd density, beings think for themselves, and the most significant choice we encounter is whether to live in service to self (Living primarily for our own good) or in service to others (where we live to help others).  There is no right or wrong here, both are allowed in 3rd density.  In 3rd density, beings feel separate from the one source energy, creation, or what some call God. This is also where an individual being begins to realize that thoughts hold energy, and thoughts and energy affect the consciousness as a whole and even the over all density of the planet.  

So what is it that is happening now?  The 4th density is merging with 3rd. This brings on ascension and this may feel like you are going somewhere but you are not, you are raising your consciousness right where you are. This has been happening for about 30 years or more, but has been speeding up especially within the last 5 -8 years.   The environment shifted first (think 2012) by altering the frequency and vibration of this planet.  Here’s where it gets confusing. The numbering order matches the frequency level — higher densities correspond to higher frequencies.  Also please don’t confuse dimension to mean the same thing as density, they are very different.

The world of 3D consciousness is complex, intricate, and often confusing and contains plenty of drama.  3rd density consciousness is also where the ego emerges — that sense or I did this or this is my doing.   This level of consciousness can manifest powerful resolve and will-power.  It is a level characterized by very strong Individualism and "go it on my own" and "do it my way" attitude.  Empires are built by such a consciousness when it is fully unleashed.

Our planetary consciousness is 3rd Density (at least it was until recently, now it's shifting into 4th density) and in the past most people would reside at this level for much, if not all, of their lives. 

The 4th density of consciousness is the level where the journey to becoming a full fledged sovereign being begins.  This density still has most of the characteristics of 3rd density except that at this level the beings have polarized to one of two modes — Service To Self (STS) and Service To Others (STO).  These modes represent two polar opposites in the manner in which beings will direct their energy — essentially there is two states of 4D consciousness — 4D STO and 4D STS.

Adopting of one of these two distinct polarities — STO or STS — is what moves you to this level of consciousness.  Of course, most people who have made the shift to 4th density are not consciously aware that they have done so — it's usually an implicit choice rather than an explicit one.  In many ways, this polarization enhances the duality of the reality manifested by this level of consciousness.  And intensifies the many drama that plays out at this level. On worlds populated with mostly 4th density being's victim/perpetrator/rescuer dramas are still being widely played out and greed, competition, conflict is still prevalent.

A full-fledged 4D Service to others individual might be a person who is doing charity work or helping the poor on the streets.  Or it might be a person who invests a lot of their time and energy in environmental and animal rights issues.  The 4D STO polarity had been called the polarity of compassion, as this is what rules their heart. The challenge for those at this density is to avoid burnout.  4th density beings tend to give all they have and then exhaust themselves and their resources.  Typically, a STO being tends to give too much and receive too little.  An STS being tends to take too much and give too little.  So both STS and STO beings find that, lifetime after lifetime, that they either burn themselves out or end up all alone with nothing.  4th density beings (and 4th density societies) can be fairly successful but ultimately their success it limited by the fact that they don't understand one simple truth — you have to give to get, and you have to get to give.  When they finally come to understand this, then they are ready to move up the ladder to the 5th density of consciousness.

The 5th density of consciousness has been called the density of "balanced polarity".  At this level, the ascending being will still have an STO or STS orientation, as had emerged as they entered 4th density.  But they will know that they must attain a better balance between the two by expressing more of the opposite polarity.

5D STO beings realize that they must be open to receiving from all those that are willing to give to them so that they can give their great service in a sustainable fashion.  They can become powerful change agents because, for the first time, they are channeling energies through themselves rather than simply giving their own energy. They are the conduit instead of the source.




Why most psychics don’t get 100% accuracy every time and why my readings have such a high percentage of accuracy

Why most psychics don’t get 100% accuracy every time and why my readings have such a high percentage of accuracy.

A psychic doesn’t get to choose the information they are given by spirit and we certainly don’t get to know why the information is the way it is.  We are simply translators of energy and information and it takes years to recognize how to read this information correctly and how to interpret the information effectively.  There are three major concepts a person must keep in mind when hiring a psychic and those are the concept of free will and the concepts of timelines.


free will or choice can throw off the whole reading if you don't look at timelines

What is the concept of free will?

First we have to look into the concept of free will. A psychic cannot affect that concept, we cannot change someone’s ability to change their mind, unless you practice dark magic which is effect using energy to affect someone’s free will but that is not what I am talking about nor is this a process I use.  The reason a psychic is not always 100% accurate is because at the time we are looking into your energy we are are seeing your energy for the way it is in that moment. 

What are timelines and why are they so important?

Now let us look at timelines. We have to understand that space and time does not exist in the way that you think it does.  Quantum Physics and the theory of non locality show there is no real separation between past, present and future and that nothing exists in space the way think of it.  If we look at decades of spiritual practice and writings from ancient tribes and other cultures we know that these tribes understood these principals long ago. The changes in the timeline are connected directly to you, your actions, and your influences.  Each of you is accountable and responsible for the changes to your timelines, for your actions, inactivity, and the myriad of small choices you make each day.   When the question you are asking affects multiple people and multiple peoples choices, we cannot account for their ability to change their mind and affect the timeline they are currently on now.  If they do change their mind, they jump to a new timeline and likely so do you if the decision affects you.  Each action or reaction you make causes these timelines to shift. You must also understand that a psychic is looking at your timeline, as you have given them permission to do so.  While you can change the timeline for yourself, you cannot do so for others but you can release past energies that inhibit your relationship with them on your timeline. 

What can you as a client do? 

Remember, our thoughts and actions create the future, it is not set in stone. The future is continuously changing and therefore timeframes and predictions can fluctuate. I always advise clients rather than focusing on timeframes and future predictions, focus on the present and what they can be doing NOW to help create the future they desire.  You need to have full faith in the psychic you have chosen. If you don’t have full faith then consult another psychic.  If you have full faith, you are more likely to take their advice on board and follow it to a T.

What about Psychics who offer 100% accurate timelines 

Indeed, it is true that accurate timelines are strong selling points for a psychic to offer, but any claims with the promise of an infallible timeline is simply false advertisement.  The very concept of Time Dilation, which is a concept that shows time moves slower for astronauts in space than it does here on earth shows that the rate at which the event the psychic is seeing is approaching can be skewed and if they don’t know about this concept they will not be able to know how to interpret it.

Why can’t all psychics get 100% accuracy on timelines?

There are psychics including myself who get information that includes timelines, but it is not my choice when and why I get them and they can always be changed because of free will and because they involve many different timelines. Another concept I believe in is the concept that no particular action can be viewed by spirit unless it already exists. So if a client asks about something they cannot see they cannot predict a timeline for it. Also, translating spiritual information is tetamount to translating a foreign language and if you aren’t at least partially fluent in that language you are not going to get that accuracy that most clients are looking for.

What are psychic predictions based on?

It is based on a combination of two things. What is happening now and your past behaviors.  Just like weather predictions, if one thing changes it all changes. This is why it is important to control your emotions and change them, change your behaviors and patterns and you can effectively change your future.  A psychic reading whether or not you believe it, is an attempt by yourself to alter the course of action.  If a psychic like myself predicts something and it doesn’t come to fruition there’s a very likely change that just by hearing what the psychic had to say even if you don’t take it on board, that you changed your course of action based on the information you got in that reading.  If something is destined to happen for you, any psychic worth their salt will be able to get information on it happening and tips on how to speed it along, but they might not be able to tell you when it will happen.

Why do Psychic Babes readings differ?

Some psychics may have the ability to see timeline information or probability information but they haven’t devised methods in which to use the data and haven’t brainstormed methods that would further allow them to get more accurate information on probability.

In some psychic readings I can dowse the probability of an event in percentage form to come to fruition and I will get a numerical value, which is why I believe my readings are so accurate, but I still have to explain that this percentage depends upon all things being the same as they are at the given point in the reading. Meaning that the timeline is given if all things stay the same as they are right now, if one person changes their mind and acts differently, it will affect that percentage.  If they involve multiple people and multiple scenarios then it becomes more complicated and I will sometimes get a low percentage because of the concept of free will and because the client will likely not take spirits advice and will do what they think is best instead of the advice I have gotten from spirit. Sometimes they will come true within that given timeline but that is usually due to the client having an open mind and taking the information given from spirit under advisement and following it.  Another tactic I use is I also ask your spirit guides, “Did this event happen in the past, present or future?”   While time doesn’t exist in the spirit world it does exist in this world where all your events in your life are taking place.  When I do give a projected timeline in a reading I always offer practical courses of action, advisable to help bring the desired outcome into existence within the given time frame. I am also a remote viewer which gives me an edge on timelines.  I can often perceive multiple timelines but this only comes with years of experience in reading timelines, having a high frequency and natural ability. The clients that come to me time and time again usually have a higher probability of projected timeline success because they have worked with me many times and seen that if they listen to the advice of spirit and follow the recommended advice their percentage of success is high.  If you do ask for a timeline, please realize that it is based on everything that has happened in your life and that of those you are calling about and preceded the consultation you are having with your Psychic.  Your psychic only reveals where things are for you. 

Why do ethics come into play? What are ethical psychic readings?

I also am an ethical psychic which means I will only give you information you are ready to hear, meaning that spirit might not give it to me or I might not deliver the information to you because it would ruin the chances of something amazing happening for you. 

If in a reading you get from me, I said something or many things that caused one or many changes in your actions, then I have done my job.  I have delivered the message you needed to hear and that information changed the outcome of your life, forever. That is my goal and that should be the goal of any legitimate psychic.

why most psychics aren't


Sixteen Practices that lead to Self Awareness

Ever wondered how some people are so self aware and don’t stress out over small things and seem to always be calm and collected? This is because they have mastered the ability of being self aware. What is self awareness? It is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motivations and desires. Here is a list of Fifteen different things that will help you become more self aware. Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. When we are self aware, we make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively. We’re less likely to lie, cheat, and steal. We are better workers who get more promotions. And we’re more-effective leaders with more-satisfied employees and more-profitable companies. Research has revealed that even though most people believe they are self-aware, self-awareness is a truly rare quality: We estimate that only 10%–15% of the people we studied actually fit the criteria.

There are two types of self awareness. The first being, internal self awareness, which is how we see ourselves and our own values, character and goals. A study of self awareness by Haley M. Woznyj at Longwood University and Phoenix Van Wagoner, Leeds School of Business found internal self-awareness is associated with higher job and relationship satisfaction, personal and social control, and happiness; it is negatively related to anxiety, stress, and depression.

The second type of self awareness is external self awareness which is understanding how other people view us, an our values, characters and goals. The research from this study showed that people who truly know how others see them are more adept to empathy and understanding others’ perspectives.

This is why it is important to focus on these principles to achieve a balance of internal self awareness, and external self awareness, which all of these characteristics on this list will help you achieve what you desire. If you are stuck and cannot seem to get to a place where you can concentrate on improving with these practices, a Clarity Card releasement reading is exactly what you need to let go of what is no longer serving you. You can book a session with myself or Kerrie here: Clarity Card Reading

You need to be ready to take charge of your life, reprogram your mind, live in peace without stress and finally to go out and get what you want in life

  1. Gratitude- Pay attention to what you are grateful for and actually tell the universe thank you daily.  Just like when you are at a server at a restaurant and you aren’t grateful for the table to come in, when it comes time for you collect the check and tip, most likely there won’t be one or it won’t be high.  Giving gratitude makes our hearts soar. 

  2. Self Esteem - love yourself first, because you certainly can’t help others unless you help yourself first. Feel confident in the beautiful soul you are.  Recognize the importance of progress not perfection and understand. Once we truly love ourselves we build confidence with further builds. Once one understands they are a loving worthy vessel for God, you will begin to understand many of these other concepts on this sheet.

  3. Neutrality- Find yourself a place of true alignment with all and with source. Try not to pass judgment on anyone else or on their situation. We don’t always know the whole story so we can simply stay neutral and kind.

  4. Control your thoughts - the monkey mind is constantly tell us nonsense and rubbish about ourselves that just isn’t true.  Through meditation and exercise you can learn to control what comes into your mind and if it is negative, leave it right there. By staying in the moment as long as possible you are quieting your mind of this endless chatter in your brain.  You also must confront your shadow in order to control your thoughts or your shadow will control you. All your fears and beliefs need to be confronted and dealt with so that you can control your thoughts and quiet your mind.  This is how psychic visions, messages etc.. work..once the mind is quiet the subconscious can be heard as can your higher self and your guides.  They way you talk to yourself is essential, the way you speak to yourself is the way you love yourself. If you want to learn how to quiet your mind and obtain knowledge from your higher self. Book an Intuitive Psychic Reading today, here.

  5. Sphere of Influence - As you expand your consciousness so will your sphere of influence expand not just in your reality but in the world.  Observe the impact of your energy on others and be cognizant of it.  Bring awareness to everything you speak and speak your truth always.  This is mean what you say and say what you mean.

  6. Overcome Fear -  Fear is the only frequency that represents physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bondage. It destroys our capacity to do the things we were put on this earth to do.All of us have the power to transmute darkness into light so if you don’t fear something in the other realms it cannot hurt you. The negative alien agenda uses fear and the fear belief that some reptilian might run off with you, but fear is what puts you on their radar to being with.We cannot bury trauma and must confront it head on. Ego causes a lot of fear based reactions. Try to stay away from letting your ego control you. 

  7. Control your emotions - The state of one’s emotions determines what kind of an experience they are having in this life.  We determine the quality of our lives, friends, relationships and experiences and it is based on controlling those emotions that will cause you problems. If you don’t confront your emotions they will fester and then keep us from doing the very thing that we love and ultimately we will impede our own spiritual growth.

  8. Forgiveness - This is a big one. In order to love yourself truly, you will have to let go of anger and resentment and forgive people for things. It is truly the best thing you can do for yourself.  Once we forgive others for their transgressions we free ourselves from those emotional cords and self sabotage. Trust me it’s a wonderful thing to forgive someone, you feel 10 pounds lighter once you do. It is a lot of weight carrying around that kind of baggage. 

  9. Confront Beliefs - Do you know who you really are? Are you living authentically? If not, then start. Confront beliefs within yourself that do not resonate as being yours and get rid of them. So often we take on the beliefs of others because we want to be cool like them or because we want to be liked and not different but you are not acting in your highest good. Humans tend to be critical beings, by beating yourself up you actually serve no one and and harm our well being. You must also cut cords from those who no longer serve you. Learn here to find out how to cut those cords of attachment

  10. Wake up every morning knowing its going to be a fantastic day. This alone will change your life.  Like i said earlier, you create your own reality. As above so below.  If you change your above (thinking) and tell yourself today is going to be a fantastic day, your consciousness will follow suit. If you wake up and think ugh I don’t even want to get up today, then your day is going to be a living hell. Using positive affirmations first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.

  11. Attention - What do you focus your attention on? Mastering your focus is essential in self awareness. Meditation, Trance and even lucid dreaming can help you focus your attention in the right way. Learning to develop your own psychic abilities an innate gifts will help you understand how to master your focus.

  12. Empathy - Empathy is being able to understand and share the feelings of another, not everyone can do this completely but I can be developed with practice. Having empathy increases leadership, teaches you to ask the right questions, boosts teamwork and much more.  Just by listening more you can develop your empathic abilities, by being around those that you have less natural sympathy with, even enemies and trying to empathize with them is very effective.

  13. Acceptance - Learn to practice acceptance and adapt to wherever you may be in your life right now and be ok with it.  Believe in a higher self and greater reason for your being here and accept yourself for the beautiful soul that you are. Once you accept something you know you can change it. It is through denying it that it festers and becomes something much bigger than it need be.

  14. Reclaiming Sovereignty or personal power-  Take responsibility for your actions and state out loud that you reclaim your person sovereignty and that no one who wishes you harm may stay.  Light some sweetgrass or sage and cleanse the place out and you will find out you feel lighter.  Be aware of congruency, make sure you are living your life in alignment with the words you speak, out loud and to yourself.  Without personal power we often become involved in toxic relationships or get involved for the wrong reasons.

  15. Practice Unity Consciousness- In the Law of One books we are to understand that all things are made of universal energy. Unity Consciousness is the understanding that you are one with everything and everyone.  It connects you deeper to the creator and  it also activates the Light of Christos.  The inner light of Christos allows you to establish yourself as a God yourself in so much that you are in alignment with the earth and all creation fully and its waves of energy cycles that will keep passing through.

  16. Sense your own energy- The ability to sense one’s own energy is an innate ability that requires a bit of practice but will help you understand your own energy levels and ultimately be able to know others energy as well. It will help you understand the condition of your energy and if you are low on vital life energy or have too much, and either can lead to an imbalance. Sensing your own energy will directly increase your awareness. Giving attention to your body and you give body energy. Because energy follows attention, your attention strengthens the energy flow in the body.This allows you to develop a powerful aura that attracts you a successful life. Through this process you can also get rid of disease and pain in your body.

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing

When I consulted Arrole, he stated the best way for me to learn about Ancestral Healing was to do one. We scheduled it on a Saturday morning at 6AM. I did this on purpose so that my daughter who is three, would still be asleep. We first started with deep breathing then we invited the ancestors in of my past. I do not work as a medium so this was the first time I saw my ancestors come in and line up like a long chain of people going back as far as I could see. They appeared to me in the astral plane some looked happy to be there others did not. He started with the crown chakra and asked me to picture a color and asked me what feelings came up. I immediately felt a lot of sadness come through and I started crying. I felt this well up in me like a wave of fear and anxiety. I felt feelings of doubt in my self worth and the healing that I do as if I was not good enough.

Reprogram your subconscious mind to get what you want

Reprogram your subconscious mind to get what you want

Go and get it. You are the only one standing in your way. Picture the best version of yourself and mirror that image. Get rid of negative thoughts and act as if you already have adopted those attitudes and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are that person. If you can even start to believe it without self doubt you will feel the transformation energy start to pick up. Hold on to that wavelength and ride it till the wheels fall off. The problem with the human body is self doubt. If you can learn to unlearn those programs you will beat life at its own game. Don’t kid yourself it is a game.